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Hernia Repair
Allison I had a hernia repair with mesh and that was in 2010 and thankfully I've done well since. [ more ]
Mary O I think I'm an outlier but here's my story. During a hernia surgery in 2001, the surgeon used mesh. Within a year, I had stabbing abdominal pain. A few months later, I had a hysterectomy. Long story short, the gynecologic surgeon was appalled at the mesh ... said it had sharp edges (hence the stabbing pain). He took it out while he was in there. Can't prove it was the result of mesh but I've never been the same since. [ more ]
Doug K I would talk to my surgeon about this. I had a softball size hernia and they fixed it (so far so good). They mentioned pig skin I believe as an alternative to mesh to hold muscles together under my skin. I of course don’t want to render a medical opinion, but I would not jump to a conclusion that your skin would “die” until you speak to your surgeon. My surgery was 11 hours and I had no skin issues. [ more ]
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Sinus tract or normal healing
Former Member Okay keep us updated, hope things get better. I will keep you in my prayers. [ more ]
Pouch2021 Next steps are PT and a trip to NYP to see Bo Shen about the sinus tract. Who knows. I’ve experienced way worse pain than this but I’m just tired of the persistent discomfort. It wears on me and makes a long day at work that much tougher. [ more ]
Former Member Your welcome, wishing you nothing but the best [ more ]
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cyst near rectum
Johnny J-pouch Hello All, I have been battling this issue for atleast 4 months now with a total of 4 surgeries to attempt to drain these areas. I have had a SETON installed for 2.5 months now as it appears that the origin might be a fistula. Have also been on a variety of antibiotics to attempt to help cope with infection. It is my understanding that draining these abscess is the best way to fix it. Unfortunately, after being admitted to the hospital this past weekend, I am not sure how this is all going... [ more ]
ksr Not acne. They are cysts. I have FAP and have had over 30 cysts removed. A symptom of FAP. They don't go away. Verified by both colorectal surgeon and general surgeon. My colorectal surgeon is in Dallas so I see a general surgeon in Oklahoma City. [ more ]
Former Member Are you sure its not acne bumps??? [ more ]
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Second blockage in a month
Pouch2021 Hi Andreita, I detailed my experience in one of my former posts so I’ll be brief. Had numerous SBOs (practically every week or so) when I had my loop. A couple were severe, others cleared on their own at home. When I had my takedown, my CRS found a thick adhesive band that wrapped around both the proximal and distal limb at the stoma site. My ileum was dilated (likely for months) above the loop. He removed said adhesion and I haven’t had an SBO since takedown. Eat a pretty varied diet. My 5... [ more ]
Former Member What you said makes sense! I was wondering why this happened when the first time you had an ostomy, everything was okay. So what you said definitely answers the question! Are you okay now hon??? [ more ]
Sara14 ❤️
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Hemorrhoids and J Pouch
Former Member Quite a few people on here have had that. [ more ]
ksr I was always told you can't get hemorrhoids if you have a jpouch. I have issues with getting cysts around my rectal area. When inflamed, those hurt like hell! [ more ]
Former Member You are entirely welcome, water helped me so much! Even when I do not exercise lol. [ more ]
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Loop stoma blockage
Former Member I had something like that happen too, unfortunately it did not work for me but I hope it works for you! If it does not work, they can always put a catheter drain inside the stoma permanently until the next surgery, that is what I had done. [ more ]
Andreita Yes they opened it and pulled the intestine out more. Then stitched it back to my belly. It was very swollen right underneath the stoma. It healed and scarred so weird that food couldn't pass through anymore. Hopefully this is resolved now. [ more ]
Jan Dollar Stuff happens, but yeesh! Jan [ more ]
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What Works For You?
RondaC I haven't been diagnosed with Crohns. I have a scope in a couple of week. Hopefully it will not be Crohns [ more ]
Antone RondaC, you were diagnosed with UC before they decided it was Crohns too? I thought it was going to be all behind me when I had my colon removed, but the show just kept going under a new name. Such fun. [ more ]
Former Member Might be worth a shot literally [ more ]
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Former Member LOL at least your okay [ more ]
Pouch2021 Thanks Sarah! Yes, just as Scott said. They administer contrast material both orally and rectally and take images of its passage passively as well as when actively defecating. They also measure anal tone through manometry. I was exaggerating my concern over the potential embarrassment of the test. Awkward yea, but it should provide some useful info and honestly I’ve lost all modesty (if I had much to begin with) over numerous hospitalizations and all the procedures. I can’t imagine how many... [ more ]
Sara14 Oh my goodness. Thank you, Scott. Pouch2021: Good luck! [ more ]
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Night time frequency is exhausting
Former Member Also Doug, I have spoken to quite a few people on here that go as much as Ryan and I, a lot of people that go as much as us never get pouchitis, my belief is because were emptying bacteria constantly, just a theory though. Maybe us going that much is a blessing [ more ]
Former Member Totally agree Ryan! You always stay ahead of the game! [ more ]
Former Member Your welcome Doug! It really does not matter what time I stop eating, I go 2-3X and even sometimes more. That is the part I hate because less sleep ages the brain. But I just keep positive like Ryan I would say count your blessings. I love how the J-pouch wakes me up, the bag never woke me up. And plus my J-pouch is a free alarm clock lol. [ more ]
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New J-Pouch- Having 30+ Bowel Movements per Day
Chook2 I find eating less or eating burgers help reduce trips but mainly it's down to less eating.worst for me is pizza and sometimes rice [ more ]
Chook2 If you are having spasms try nortriptyline.emily Parris talks about it in her one year jpouch video on YouTube at the 6 minute mark. [ more ]
Kmiller It is early on and should improve. I don't do metamucil as it increased my frequency. I've tried it several times, same result every time. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Curly I had my j-pouch surgery in 2012-13, and in the years after that I had a number of painful blockages that sent me to the hospital. The gastroenterologist in charge there, who is also a surgeon, had been keeping an eye on my frequent hospital visits and finally recommended surgery to remove adhesions, in consultation with my regular gastro doctor. It was laparoscopic, just an hour or two, shorter and easier than he'd expected. Since then I've had no obstructions at all. So, don't be afraid of... [ more ]
Jan Dollar I have been a big coffee drinker nearly all my life. I switched to half-caf as I got older. I was please to recently read that coffee has been found to be protective of the liver! So, actually, it is recommended! Jan [ more ]
maddie18 ❤️
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Urinary Incontinence
Joey A Thank you so much. [ more ]
Pouch2021 Definitely don’t use calmoseptine on vaginal mucosa. Total different type of skin from the perianal area—way more sensitive. The heaviness could be from a prolapse as Jan said (vaginal, “rectal” or uterine). And the burning could be anything from an infection (despite a normal urine culture) to vaginal atrophy and dryness (not uncommon in post- menopausal women). If vaginal atrophy, they can prescribe a topical estrogen cream often with good results. Having more vaginal moisture also reduces... [ more ]
Joey A Thank you very much, Jan. (The gel that was prescribed was Lidocaine. ) [ more ]
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Random bleeding
Former Member Your welcome, good luck [ more ]
jbee Also, thank you to everyone and anyone for a reply. I don't have any family or friends to turn to for support and a level head, so I really appreciate any help. [ more ]
jbee It's less than a teaspoon, like I'm not gushing or anything. I've had several regular non-bloody poops and then just now a bloody one but it is a lot less blood. It's bright red in colour. No pain, no urgency, no abnormal gas or smell. Just really freaks me out The surgery I'm having tomorrow is for my throat. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Diarrhea and cramping as soon as I eat
Doug K I feel for you. That sounds horrible. I had similar problems with my old colon. WHATEVER I ate gave me pain and cramps and diarrhea. Flagyl should help if it’s pouchitis- and Cipro is really good for that also. Have you had a scope to check inflammation? I assume from your post your rules out pouchitis. If it is irritable pouch syndrome, like IBS, I used Lomotil and Levsin and Bentyl. Things used for spams and cramping. I would put Levsin under my tongue and it worked wonders. [ more ]
Former Member BINGO! I believe that is the problem, not eating often/enough. I heard and read about that, not eating often/enough can potentially cause the problems you are dealing with. [ more ]
Vital I have tried FODMAp diet for help. I eat potatoes, rice, bread chicken boiled eggs, and. canned vegetables I only eat once a day. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
J-Pouch vs Permanent Ileostomy
Sara14 ❤️
Way2go I had an inflamed large intestine and underwent emergency surgery to remove it in 1980 at age 24. After several diagnoses, the doctors finally settled on a severe infection of my colon. The official term was a subtotal colectomy. I ended up almost dying in the hospital, but survived with an ileostomy for 11 years. The stoma was placed directly in a fold of my abdomen, which caused lots of complications with leakage and skin eruptions during that time. I was teaching high school math, so I... [ more ]
Former Member I’m pleased I’ve been able to assist you and provide a positive aspect to J pouch surgery. [ more ]
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Afternoon urgency
Former Member Everything sounds normal but I would not recommend to hold it, I say go when you need to. [ more ]
Kmiller @Poucher21 I'm sure everyone hears different things but my surgeon told me that at 2 years I will have a good idea how my pouch will be. I'm at 15 months post takedown and for me the 1 year mark showed some significant improvement, it sort of clicked. Still not perfect! I'm doing pelvic floor therapy now and I love it because I am learning exercises to help me but also just learning a lot about my body and how and why it works the way it does. [ more ]
Sara14 ❤️
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beverly I started the FODMAP diet 3weeks ago and so far it is amazing. After 6 years I am learning what is causing the problems. So thankful I finally tried this plan! [ more ]
Former Member How many bms are you having??? I would definitely recommend shopping around for Gastros. I would do probiotics at this point. I would try Align, I hear good reviews about that probiotic. [ more ]
Joey A Thanks very. much! [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Diastasis Recti
Olina Need a gastroenterologist familiar with the j-pouch near Greensboro North Carolina [ more ]
Former Member Your welcome! Maybe seeing a pain specialist might help? [ more ]
Scott F @Gayla A decision about surgery ought to include the severity of the problem and also the likelihood that the surgery will correct the problem. Have you gotten an MRI yet? Without that (plus a neurosurgical consultation) speculation about surgery won’t help much. [ more ]
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Gas or inflammation?
Former Member How long have you had your pouch? And when was your last pouchoscopy? [ more ]
Scott F I also associate pouchitis with that sensation of constant fullness. Have you ever had pouchitis diagnosed? Have you ever tried a course of antibiotics? [ more ]
Jan Dollar When I have pouchitis I get a sensation of incomplete emptying. I think that is what you are describing. It is from the inflammation and spasms associated with it. Of course, I also have increased frequency too. With gas, you would be getting more crampy pain associated with the distention of the bowel. Jan [ more ]
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Trouble emptying Jpouch
Jaydog Ya like I said in my experience I had tons of little issues. I would post on here and ask for advice and before I could read the responses my issues would go away and I'd have some type of new issue. If I remember correctly around the 3 months mark is where I started figuring things out a bit [ more ]
Doug K Jaydog- you are a wise man. Nothing is smooth sailing when you cut out your rectum and colon, and make a new one out of a nearby organ. It could be worse for sure. I spoke to the doctor and he said give it two months, and if I am still unable to pass solids well, he would do some tests. He said that dilation is not a big deal. [ more ]
Jaydog I don't know if this will help or not but you are only 3 weeks out. It is all brand new. It takes a while for everything to settle down. When I first had mine it seemed like every few days something new would start that I was worried about then as soon as it started it stopped and another new thing would start. I wouldn't sweat stuff just yet. Give it a few months. [ more ]
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Stoma output
thecrotino Yeah im feeling better now, everything i eat comes out very fast even tho i take loparomid, stool has improved a bit, not so watery any more. Im in hospital still since my wound has fistula and im on v.a.c pump to extract blood and pus so they can close the wound and get stitches. Gastro doc said that he cant treat me when wound is open, i need to be on v.a.c for 3 more days and then i can get my remicade and imuran, maybe corticosteriods idk what will he prescribe, i expect to be better as... [ more ]
TE Marie I hope you are feeling better today. I remember the first month, as being from hell, after my j-pouch was removed. It's a very serious and complicated operation so please ask your doctors about anything you think doesn't feel right. Having the fistula sounds like hell and one big complication on it's own. My largest problem was with the output. I tried every kind of pouching system over my stoma I could. The real problem was the inconsistency of the output. Besides what you are doing have... [ more ]
TE Marie ❤️
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after a blockage
Former Member I would not eat for a while until things fully clear up and then I would stay with soft foods for a while with extra liquids. I do these tips to prevent blockages: Drink water before, during and after ever meal. Walking/moving around after I eat. And getting moderate amounts of fiber. Hope this helps love, keep us updated [ more ]
Scott F You could always ease back into the psyllium. How about a half dose and see how it sits? I tend to start taking psyllium again as soon as I start eating. I don’t think it’s any more obstructing than soft foods. [ more ]
JHendrix Thanks Scott. I got through the day without the backing up gas pain so I think it's cleared. I've eaten only soft foods. Would it be reasonable to try psyllium tomorrow or is that too soon in your opinion? I dislike the watery stool as it really aggravates my fistula. [ more ]
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Surgeon recommendations - Boston
Morgan Hubbard Hi! I LOVE my GI doc in Boston; her name is Dr. Vanessa Mitsialis. I also have had really good experiences so far with my surgeon, Dr. Joel Goldberg. Both are at Brigham and Women's in Boston. I recommend a visit with Dr. Goldberg, for sure. [ more ]
PT1092 Hi Katie, Dr. Liliana G Bordeianou At MGH is amazing. If your insurance is accepted I would contact her and go for a consult. Best of luck! [ more ]
Katie S Thank you so very much. Doing my best to take deep breaths. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Former Member Loved the way you used echo"! Genius! [ more ]
Former Member Your welcome hon [ more ]
Portia Hi Angieb, I have undergone this myself. I echo what Kmiller said—share these concerns with your medical team. I experienced a compassionate and caring response—they couldn’t have been more wonderful. They’re there to help and glad to provide reassurance. In my case everything went very smoothly—I am sure it will for you, too! Please let us know how it goes. Sending you lots of good wishes. [ more ]
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Pouchitis flare up - Diet?
Former Member You are welcome, hope things get better dear [ more ]
Brett L Thank you @Scott F. I knew about FMT, but i didn't know it coukd be persistent. I hope this does it definitively. Thanks for the heads up. I'll stay vigilant. [ more ]
Scott F @Brett L I’m sorry you have C diff, but I’m very glad you have a diagnosis. Hopefully the Vancomycin will take care of it. C diff can be persistent and recurrent - it forms spores that are extremely durable. Sometimes a single treatment works fine, but it’s helpful to remain alert to the possibility of it coming back. In stubborn cases, if the Vancomycin can’t get the job done, FMT (fecal microbiota transplantation) has turned out to be quite effective. [ more ]
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Help with biopsy results!
Former Member Your welcome dear [ more ]
Kh1988 Thanks for replying! I messaged the doctor on patient portal and he called me and answered all my questions 😊 [ more ]
Kh1988 Thanks for replying!! You were right, doctor called me today and said the inflammation that was present was essentially “normal” and didn’t indicate anything was wrong. The pouch looked good. So they have officially decided that my issue is all pelvic floor related. Very tight sphincter too. They want me to do either their biofeedback program or if I can’t do that, then pelvic floor pt close to where I live, plus self dilation once or twice a week. [ more ]
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Bloated for days!
Former Member I have been bloated for 11 years and had every test done under the sun, it may just be how it is. [ more ]
Scott F @Simonw You are pretty much doing the right thing, if you think it’s a blockage. You could be better off with fluid plus electrolytes instead of just water, but staying hydrated is the most important short-term need. [ more ]
Simonw What do i do?, i havent eaten for almost 24hrs still feel the same, just drinking water. [ more ]
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Unexpected allergy to loperamide/Immodium after 30 years
Portia Scott, I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciate the great suggestions and the encouragement. That was a good point about pouchitis, too - I just started the Cipro so we'll see how it goes. Fingers crossed! So grateful that you took the time to pass along the wisdom of your experience! [ more ]
Scott F Good luck with the Cipro! It often works surprisingly quickly. Another way to slow the gut (particularly the stomach) is with a fatty meal. The usual way to take advantage of this to reduce nighttime leakage or incontinence is something like a spoonful of peanut butter at bedtime. I don’t think this would work all day, but targeting bedtime helps some people considerably. It’s possible (though by no means certain) that you’ve had mild pouchitis longer than you imagine, masked by the... [ more ]
Doug K I hope the Cipro works for you. Maybe - hopefully it will just take some time for the bowel to adjust off of the bowel slowing medicines [ more ]
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Here we go again
Former Member Thanks for the update, hope everything works out! [ more ]
Bent-Arne I've talked with my gi, and I'm gonna try 2 weeks on cipro and two weeks on flagyl, though a lower dose of flagyl. I'm on cipro now and everything is super fine again.. No air struggles, no burning, only 3-5 times on the toilet dali. No problem holding it for a very long time. And i can eat everything again without issues. [ more ]
Former Member I sent my fundraiser for IBD to your email, feel free to check it out if you would like to [ more ]
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Painful sex and lump in vaginal canal
Former Member You are welcome dear, let us know how it goes after your appointment [ more ]
happytimes Thank you. It's just a bulge that I can feel with my finger as I checked my IUD strings. I have an ultrasound appt in a couple of days. [ more ]
Former Member I have never had sex before because I am waiting until marriage. If I were you, I would reach out to a gastro or Gynecologist that is experienced with J-pouch people. Hope everything gets better dear, keep us updated [ more ]
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Left Abdominal Pain
Funky26 Thank You jan for responding. That may be the issue and hopefully it does end just as suddenly as it came on. [ more ]
Jan Dollar Adhesions can cause this sort of pain after years and years of being quiet. They do not show up on scopes or x-rays, and even MRI can miss them. Often they are found only by exploratory surgery after eliminating all other causes. The issue can resolve as spontaneously as it appeared too, so unless the pain is constant or severe, you do not want to go with surgical release. Jan [ more ]
Funky26 My diet is still the same it's always been which makes the pain unusual. I do take a stool softener. [ more ]
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Pain- I think it's a fistula
Jan Dollar What you describe sounds like a perianal abscess. It could definitely lead to a fistula. Steve is correct that lifting or exercise did not cause this. I am not sure what Lauren is talking about, but exercise does not cause “abdominal issues” and we are not “more fragile.” Straining and lifting improperly can lead to pouch prolapse and similar structural issues. What is true is that once you have perianal fissures and abscesses, they tend to recur. You are doing the right thing with warm... [ more ]
Scott F @Steve L It’s probably best to find out what it is before speculating about what caused it or might make it worse. Have you got an appointment with your doctor? Weightlifting doesn’t cause fistulas, though it can probably cause or worsen hemorrhoids if you are prone to them - good form would reduce the risk. Running or biking are great exercise for a J-poucher. I’d avoid things that directly irritate your painful area, so I wouldn’t allow it to press down on a bicycle seat, if its location... [ more ]
Former Member Its a fact that intensive exercising can cause abdominal issues. We do not have a colon so we are more fragile. Some people here do not agree but its on the internet. I try to keep my sessions at 30minutes-1hr. Running can cause issues but I would just limit the run time. Biking should be fine as long as your not doing it insanely. Biking is really safe since its not constantly pounding lol. Weightlifting: Dr. Bo shen has stated that J-pouchers should not lift anything over 25pounds. A lot... [ more ]
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rectal bleeding
Jan Dollar Yes, your bleeding is infrequent, at least what you can see. The fact that you see it periodically on an ongoing basis means that it is active. If your low dose aspirin is short term, then I would not be too concerned. But, if you will need long term anticoagulation, then other options may need to be explored. Your hemoglobin is a little on the low side, but I don’t know what your level was after your valve replacement and bypass surgery. Jan [ more ]
Former Member Okay, keep us updated! Edoxaban is a great blood thinner. I would bring it up to him and see what happens. In the mean time be careful dear! [ more ]
vince66 thanks a lot Ms Dollar - waiting to see what my lower GI guy says the 5th - I am concerned about the bleeding but the low frequency (once every 25 BMs at the most) has me a little puzzled [ more ]
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Bloody stool
Jan Dollar Please do not panic. This happens and may be nothing, as Scott noted. It could also be cuffitis or pouchitis. But, the main thing is to observe your son. If he is not dizzy or weak, and not experiencing other symptoms, it is fine to wait a few days to call the doctor if it persists. Jan [ more ]
Former Member Definitely schedule an appointment ASAP! Did he take NSAIDS??? [ more ]
Scott F Does he have any other symptoms besides bloody stool? There are a number of things that can cause it, but my favorites are the ones that promptly disappear as mysteriously as they appeared. If it persists and you believe that the blood is coming from inside then it’s probably time to schedule a GI appointment. If it’s not from hemorrhoids then other reasonably common possibilities include cuffitis and ulceration. If it’s a tiny amount it can be from skin irritation. [ more ]
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At my wits end with Stomach and Anal Pain! Advise Please..
Jan Dollar Regardless of you having a pristine pouch, the fact that you have serious perianal disease is a big deal. It may not be an indicator of Crohn’s because perianal disease that arises from the suture line at the anus could a surgical complication, not IBD related. Finding the opening of a fistula can be quite challenging, so maybe it is time for a second opinion from another provider with more experience. If this was pouchitis or cuffitis there should be some visual evidence when scoped, even... [ more ]
Former Member Glad to hear it hon! [ more ]
grandmaof1 Yes it did. [ more ]
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Very Bad Stricture, please need Advice, Needle Knife, Balloon, or Dilators?
Former Member Glad to hear everything! You are are entirely welcome! Keep me updated! [ more ]
joe2021 Hi Lauren, Your Welcome too. Thank you... I feel a little better today mucus wise, so that's good. I called the Gastro and they now have an answering system. I left a few messages and never heard back. They say they'll return my call in 24hrs, that's nice of them! Decided not to call the Colon surgeon, I remember him telling me last time, he didn't do dilations. Would like it to be dilated first and see how I feel but maybe that's just wishful thinking, maybe. Anyway I'll call again... [ more ]
Former Member You are welcome Joe Yeah I think doing both is genius! In the past, some people have said, " I will put your name on the cancellation list and I will give you a call when someone cancels". Do not believe that lol. When someone said that, I called later that day and got a cancellation and got the appointment that day Do not give up my friend and good luck And thank-you for your kind words Let me know what happens [ more ]
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I need help with finding a j pouch specialist
Jan Dollar Sadly, many brilliant surgeons and other technically competent providers completely fail in their ability to really “hear” their patients. They are not terrible people, just not very strong on empathy or picking up on nonverbal cues. I am actually a pretty terrible patient, because I tend to sort of clam up when I see my doctors and act all cheery, like I haven’t a care in the world. I have to force myself to be honest about what was bothering me. I am much better with my emails. Anyway, I... [ more ]
StevenChar78 wow thank you for this information ok so i do in fact need a temporary ileostomy yeah i have surgery on weds at 1am, the horrible trauma from the last surgery scares me to death, i mean the take down surgery was pretty painful This last year and 4 months have been hell for me, over 3 blockages 2 of them very serious and the lack of treatment from the NP at the surgery center didn't do a darn thing to help me, all i got was a simple im sorry your in pain, then when my surgeon started me with... [ more ]
Jan Dollar I am so sorry that you are suffering this way. It also sounds like you are not getting adequate communication with your providers. It really is their job to be sure you understand what their plan is. It sounds like the original plan was to attempt dilation of the stricture under anesthesia. Usually this is done with a balloon or metal sounds. There is no need for a diverting ileostomy for that. Then it seems that they intended what is known as stricturoplasty. This is not a minor procedure... [ more ]
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Founder, Creative Director & Web Master

William J. Johnson

Bill Johnson founded the J-Pouch Group in 1997.

After a life long battle with Ulcerative colitis, Bill finally had his colon removed and was given an ostomy in 1993. A failed attempt for a j-pouch and then many surgeries to get back his health gave Bill the motivation to create a web site dedicated to giving support to patients who have had or are considering j-pouch surgery.

Forum moderator and advisor
Jan Dollar R.N.





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Materials presented on these pages are copyrighted by William Johnson and Linda B Hurd. Except as superseded in individual documents found here, these materials may not be sold or redistributed for profit in any way without express (not email) written permission of the authors. This includes, but is not limited to, translations into foreign languages, mass archival as on a CD-ROM and inclusion in commercially published compilations (books).


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Tel: 215-396-9100

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