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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Weight lifting after j pouch excision
BK 123 ❤️
SteveG I'm taking Cipro and Flagyl for about 3 years now for chronic pouchitis. I reduced stepwise to half a tablet each (250 / 200 mg). Recently I found that taking them every other day is sufficient and perhaps even a little better. So a small microbioma seems to be fitting best for me, too much antibiotics over a long time may produce resistancies. I never needed to cycle antibiotics. When I had a c. diff. infection years ago while on a full dose of Cipro and Flagyl for 4 weeks, it was treated... [ more ]
Teddy92 Thanks SteveG, yes, I have already explored SIBO with my GI. I’ve been on all those antibiotics for it and it seems the symptoms recur either whenever they are stopped, or when the antibiotics wear off while still taking them, despite cycling them. I don’t know if there is some sort of optimal cycling schedule for antibiotics, but I have not been able to come upon one in my own experience of taking them. I’ve also had pouchoscopies which have found inflammation consistent with pouchitis (if... [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Straining and Back/Leg Pain
NikiasVW Hi, I'm experiencing similar issues, Also think it still might all be connected, the hernia and the pressure on the nerve from all the straining? How are you guys now? Kr [ more ]
Rob McLorinan Could be @Winterberry I am looking into it. Funny how I often look for connections to the pouch. Possibly not related. [ more ]
Winterberry Rob, do you think it could be your sciatica nerve? Google sciatica and see if anything sounds like the nerve back there. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
J-Pouch, Crohn's, and Probiotics?
dd ❤️
grateful Thanks for the explanation. If I think about that makes sense. Thanks Scott! [ more ]
George Shaikh Thanks Scott. My GI is well aware of my high constipation with Flagyl/Cipro. I have used Miralax before and it did not help with the constipation the antibiotics do to me. I will talk with my GI again about other possibilities. I agree with Scott on his explanation for psyillium husk. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Sweet corn
SteveG A laxative like Miralax was also often mentioned here. But you need do be carefull with dosage, as it produces additional diarrhea and helps to clear the bowel (only in case that you can still have bowel movements!). So drinking enough is also advisible then. [ more ]
Blairisking I’ll try both. Thank you for help really appreciate it [ more ]
SteveG If fluids are still passing through, you may also stay on a fluid only diet for two or three days to help clear the partial blockage. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsOstomy & Skin
How fast do you have to fix a leak?
Mysticobra Old post. Sorry you can't change as quickly as you'd want to. I wear a convetec wafer that has white tape. I notice a leak immediately. It hits the white tape and gives me time to get ready to change. I have waited to see how long it takes to actually hit the edge of the white tape. Doesn't take long. 20+ minutes. I would hope by now you may have it figured out. The more or longer you have an ileo the quicker you get at changing it. As said above. Changing more often when you feel you can do... [ more ]
DMC If you normally change every 4 days. Try every 3 days. Don't push your ware time. Good luck [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Humira and side effects - constantly sick?
colonelius extremely same. Now that I have a toddler in day care I get sick like all the time including gastro issues. It's calmed down a bit but I was off humira for a few weeks when I had to change insurance and noticed that I actually felt better overall. I'm back on now and keeping a close eye on this. [ more ]
Breezie I've been on Humira for years (and prior to that, Enbrel and Remicade) and didn't have an increase in colds or flus, but I was incredibly vigilant about not touching my hands to my face or sharing pens, pencils, keyboards, etc., with co-workers, etc. That all changed when my son came along. Nothing like a kid in daycare part-time to build his immune system and knock down mine! It seemed that every minor thing that he brought home turned into a major thing for me. There was just no way to... [ more ]
Jan Dollar I was on it for several years and saw no difference. It could be that you coincidentally caught a cold the same time as you started the Humira; it is that time of year... Plus, these drugs can lower your resistance, so it can take longer to fight off viruses. On top of that, once you get sick (with or without Humira), your resistance is lower and more likely to catch the next bug that comes along. It looks like you are doing what you can to get over it. According to the prescribing... [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsPouchitis
Cipro Taking a While to Kick In
Linguist ❤️
Scott F Cipro alone worked well for me for about 6-7 years, in my case taken daily for chronic pouchitis. When it lost effectiveness I got good results by adding Flagyl (Flagyl alone had never worked for me). That combination has been effective for about 8 years now. It’s reasonable to give the Cipro through the weekend, but I suspect you’re going to need to add something. [ more ]
cam475 Thanks so much for your quick response CTBarrister. I’ll give it through the weekend and call my doctor on Monday if nothing has improved. It’s assuring to hear that the combo of Flagyl and Cipro usually works for you. I will come on here with an update after the weekend. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Can we get overflow diarrhoea with the j-pouch?
Sara Marie I find that psyllium husk powder with plenty of water can be a pretty good gut output consistency regulator. Aloe juice seems to help, too. Those side effects sound very unpleasant. I wonder if there is another medication that would address your issue? [ more ]
Kushami Ah, good point. Hadn’t thought of that. I’m taking a medication that can cause constipation and overflow diarrhoea as a side effect in “normal” people. I’m having problems and am trying to work out whether it’s likely to be the medication. (It’s a calcium-channel blocker, diltiazem, and constipation plus overflow diarrhoea are listed in the side effects.) I’m having normal BMs most of the time but I’m getting occasional bouts of nausea, feeling hot, heart rate going up, and an angry and very... [ more ]
Sara Marie I imagine it could happen with a partial blockage. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Fissure or fistula
Joey A I’m sorry for your wife. It’s one thing to have pain, but another not knowing where it’s coming from. Good wishes to you. [ more ]
SV2022 Good Morning Joey the pain you are describing is what my wife is experiencing she has had her pouch for 29 years. She has intolerable pain every day she just had a MRI earlier this week hoping to see some cause like a fistula or fissure but nothing. [ more ]
Scott F By meticulous treatment I mostly meant a dedicated effort to keep stool from spending any time in the fissure (or fissures) so healing can occur. Perhaps a sitz bath after every BM, use of a bidet, local treatment with nitroglycerin or diltiazem, and patient persistence. In difficult cases Botox injections are sometimes used. A proctologist can help ensure that the diagnosis is correct, and may be more familiar with the full range of treatment options. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
New J-Poucher here, would love some advice!
CotDog Hi, thanks for the reply. I'm filled with optimism already from this post - I know it may be a long road but I'm sure I'll get there. As you said - I guess its all just 'figuring it out' Thanks again! [ more ]
CotDog Hi, thanks so much for replying. That's filled me with optimism! Maybe I will up the loperamide a little and also the steps thing is something I will have to improve on, as 10k steps pre-surgery was pretty much a daily thing for me. thanks so much again! [ more ]
CotDog Hey, thanks so much for replying! I used to always try and keep to a low carb/sugar diet when I had the bag and found this really helped with my output with that. I think that will be the next thing I try with the J-Pouch, as I have slacked quite a lot since takedown surgey in regards to diet. I will also try two loperamide before bed and see how that goes. Thanks again! [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Ability to pass gas while standing
BDW It took about 15 years after surgery (have had pouch since 1997) but I can occasionally pass gas while standing. I still remember the first time :-) [ more ]
Sara Marie Every once in a while I can let a bit of gas while upright through without any mess, but that is always a surprise. Lying on the side, belly, or inverting is my most reliable way to do it mess-free. Unfortunately, it's really difficult to have a subtle fart when you have to get in a special position to do it! I remember the sweet old days when I could stink up an elevator right before exiting. Sigh. [ more ]
Kangaroo Fortunately, I can. Passing gas is a very similar experience to when I had a colon. The only difference is when my pouch gets really full, I have trouble passing gas and it just builds up until I go to the bathroom. (This isn't common, though). [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsPouchitis
Pouchitis - My story some hope
JPouchDave ❤️
rcrossco_1 "All these years from what I read pouchitis does not come on suddenly. I could be wrong." Pouchitis might not, but cuffitis certainly does. [ more ]
AllyKat Well here’s my question. Unless while having a cuffitis or pouchitis attack unless your scoped how do you really know if it’s that or food related? I too eat organic. Does it make a difference, I’m not sure but I’d rather eat organic than non, difference in taste. I try to balance fruit and veggies with fiber to bind otherwise I’m running to the bathroom. In the beginning I was scoped, a lot, so I know I was dealing with cuffitis. But after the first few years my cuff looks great. Same as... [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Hemochromatosis and Anemia
Maverick Plus My doc prescribes Ferralet. It is an iron supplement that does not upset the stomach. It is a prescription and a bit expensive ($80/month), but it's worth it. [ more ]
tf I have been anemic with low red blood counts since my diagnosis of uc & then Jpouch. My hemoglobin hemacrit & ferritin levels are mostly just under the normal range. Recently my counts are going lower & was given a 324 iron pill & I was sent to hematology. The pill gave me severe stomach & rectal pain. They say infusion would work because pills don't absorb?? My GI Dr. Is ordering a small bowel video camera test to c if there is a bleed in small intestines. Has anyone had... [ more ]
Scott F Some folks have good luck with Vitron-C. Reportedly the vitamin C improves the iron absorption. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Mrs P Hi, I take VSL#3 which is the same/similar. I take 1 capsule 2x daily. The powder is sorta yuk. I think other people take quite a bit more per day. I’ve been taking for several years and I do find it to be helpful. I was experiencing pouchitis more often before I started taking VSL. Quite frankly, I’m afraid to stop taking it! Lol Best of Luck to you! [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Partial Obstruction-what to do/eat?
Maverick Plus Thanks for letting us know what is going on with you. Sorry to hear you have no relief yet. OK, my symptoms were constant bloating (very uncomfortable), watery and somewhat explosive diarrhea, and pain on my lower left when palpated. I hope you get some answers soon. [ more ]
msh98991 Hi Maverick, Thanks for checking in! I’m glad your meds are helping you! It sounds like you got an accurate diagnosis and are on the mend. They are still running tests on me. I had an MRI of abdomen yesterday. First test they ran was an ultrasound and for whatever reason they couldn’t get a good look at my gallbladder (it was blocked) so we’re hoping the MRI tells us more. From what the doctor could see on the ultrasound though he didn’t think it was my gallbladder. I tend to think it does... [ more ]
Maverick Plus Peggy, Am I correct in assuming that your gallbladder wasn't the problem? Still more tests? As I said earlier, I had similar symptoms, and all of my tests were negative, so the doc suspected SIBO. I think he was right because the doxycycline is working wonders. Has your doc ruled that out? [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Syncope with full J pouch
Jefferson Kushami I'd love to hear about your experience with autonomic dysfunction. I don't claim anything just relaying what my doctors claim. Do you experience syncope with your gastroparesis? [ more ]
Sara Marie Can you tell me more about how autonomic dysfunction manifests itself in your body? I'm very curious about this. Also, do they say what caused it? Did it cause your digestive issues? [ more ]
Kushami I have autonomic dysfunction so I know a little bit about it. I didn’t quite understand this bit: ”They tell me I have Autonomic dysfunction but never seen with syncope's and think they are not associated.” Autonomic dysfunction can cause syncope and odd near-syncope incidents, if that’s any help. Although it sounds like dumping syndrome may be the explanation. Sorry to hear you are going through this and hope you can get it sorted out. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Dehydration/headaches in the AM
Former Member ❤️
jan15 Louisa Have you tried coconut water? I’d be curious if its transit time, so to speak, through your system is slower than water. Dietitians, and a former G.I. doctor have suggested it to help combat dehydration because of better absorption. Many with IBD are lactose intolerant, which eliminates the milk option. do you drink herbal or caffeinated tea? Coffee usually clears a headache. dehydration is serious stuff. There are days I can’t drink water and other days when too much is not... [ more ]
Louisa Thanks Jan for your thoughts. I was in your comment on milk staying in your system longer than water. My problem is as soon as i drink water i need to turn and pee it out. Where as milk stays in my system longer. Maybe too when i stated in another msg that a cup of tea with plenty of milk tends to help my headaches. Thanks for your post Jan. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Pelvic pain/cramping
SadieM1210 @Gina M What you're describing sounds like your muscles contracting to help push your food out. When I feel these contractions they can be very intense and painful. Sometimes they feel like cramps in my pelvic area and other times it feels like lower back pain. I guess the more sever your inflammation is the more intense your pain gets. Mine is definitely more intense. The only thing that seems to help me is Oxy. [ more ]
Sara Marie Yes, I have pelvic and lower back pain sometimes, but it usually doesn't result in cramping or spasms. I take this as a sign that I need to revisit pelvic floor exercises. If that isn't enough, my acupuncturist has prescribed me "Return to Spring" tea pills (Plum Flower brand) to support the pelvic floor lifting the exercises provide. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsFAP Forum
Cysts on butt/unknown with FAP
Len78 Ksr, im 45 and have fap. No experience with cysts though. Facing subtotal gastrectomy here next emr endoscopic resection is october10 had the scopes April 20th last and have had many ileal adenomatous polyps mostly sessile removed endoscopically its nice when I can talk to someone else with our disease. Len [ more ]
Len78 ❤️
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J-Pouch ForumsFAP Forum
Duodenum to remove
ksr Did you find out any more information? What decision did you make? I have adenomas polyps removed every year from my duodenum. [ more ]
Borislav i want to ask something about whipple procedure(tips ideas) I had a consultation today with my doctor about Whipple surgery. He told me that there are two options, one is to operate on me to make a whipple surgery Remove part of pancreas part of stomach and duodenum However for him I am 30 years old so many organs to lose it is a crippling operation in most cases.. The second option is follow-up every 6 or 3 months and endoscopically to remove polyps He said the second one is risky because... [ more ]
SteveG That's something your doctor must decide, depending on how serious the manifestation of polyps is. Reading about that subject there is a possibility to remove polyps in that part of the small intestine during a gastroscopy. But only a specialist can say how to procede, depending on the scope and biopsy results. If you are unsure what to do you may ask for a second opinion. It is always critical to lose parts of the small intestine, as a recent post in this forum showed. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Anyone using Rinvoq
Karenchase Chiming in late to this party. After a year of waiting for it to be approved in the US for Crohn's (my current diagnosis is post-colectomy Crohn's, not pouchitis) I started Rinvoq about 3 months ago (June 2023) and I started it only a few weeks after my last Entyvio infusion. I felt all right at the beginning -- nothing revolutionary, just not gross. Then, I think, the Entyvio started to wear off and I was having some pretty nasty symptoms -- wicked gas and bloating, and my butt was on fire... [ more ]
RondaC Yes I'm still happy with it. I still have a flare every now and then but I don't have any pain just liquid output. I definitely feel better. [ more ]
Angieb Hi Ronda its 2023so I’m pretty late regarding your post! I tried Rinvoq back in September 2022 for about 2,weeks however needed surgery so had to discontinue! I’ve started it again as of 3/28/2023 so too soon to kno! However would like to know if it’s still working for you! How long did it take to kick in! I too suffer from chronic pouchitis and nothing was helping [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Fistula and seton
Joey A Thank you, Scott! [ more ]
Scott F A draining seton is likely what she has in mind (as opposed to a cutting seton). A seton is a loop of a flexible thread that passes through the full length of a fistula and completes the loop outside the fistula. For a perianal fistula the inner opening might be somewhere along the anal canal, though fistulae can also follow complicated and branching paths. The idea is to keep the fistula open so fluid doesn’t build up and cause painful pressure. It can be difficult to locate the internal... [ more ]
Joey A Hi Scott, I'm 99.9% certain that she said "seton". What do you know about this procedure? Thanks! [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Jpouch suregery and other internal organs
tulsamom I could see why the gallbladder would be not in the right place for an ultrasound because of the J-pouch. If your J pouch grew really big and up the abdomen on the right side, like mine did, it could obscure the view. And if the Jpouch got really big, it can twist and cause symptoms like partial instructions. I’m not saying that’s what happened to you. But it’s a possibility, because it happened to me. Good luck with everything that’s going on. I’m sure the MRI will reveal some thing that... [ more ]
msh98991 Thank you Scott and Jaypea for your replies. I didn't think our altered plumping could possible be in the way of the gallbladder but needed to know dfor sure. I've never thought about where exactly it all is now but I assume it's similar to where it was when I had a colon. Enjoy the day! Peggy [ more ]
Jaypea I had a similar issue with an ultrasound. Because I no longer have a large intestine my internal anatomy is slightly different from the average bear. The ultrasound tech had a little difficulty navigating as the usual landmarks were gone! Our j-pouches are no where near the gall bladder and should not obstruct or block the view. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsPouchitis
I need advice on hiking
Sephy Hi Oni, I agree, “yay you for going on a hike!” - I too have had pouchitis more than less, and things go through me fast. I camp and hike a bit but not as much as I’d like; it’s a difficult balance between enjoying and stressing. My go-to food is oatmeal in the morning- instant and plain as possible when camping. Just need a kettle. Then Hard boiled eggs, peanut butter sandwiches and cashews and cheese. I take an emtec (T3 without the caffeine) at night in hopes of only getting up to poop... [ more ]
CTBarrister Speaking of bears, this story is a good reminder that unpacked food that can be smelled by a bear, or is not sealed in an airtight package, can make you a target: From the photo, that bear clearly is not missing too many meals, and I think people leaving windows of their houses open resulted in the break ins. Some years ago I read a book about bear attacks, and they have the best sense of smell of any land animal, very similar to sharks in... [ more ]
SeattleJane Yay you for going on a two day hike - enjoy! Hey, in your day to day life, can you eat peanut butter (or other nut butter) and jam or honey sandwiches? You can pack those pretty tightly in ziploc bags into a backpack and even if the sammies get smashed in your pack, they are still tasty and nutritious and you can live on PB& J for a couple of days. Also, have you tried Nuun tablets to add to your water? I like the lemon lime flavor the best and you can buy them on amazon. What about... [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Cuffitis Vs Pouchitis
Scott F Both pouchitis and cuffitis can cause pain and urgency. Cuffitis acts more like UC and is more prone to bleeding than pouchitis, though both can bleed. As New577 wrote above it’s best to get a proper diagnosis, and symptoms alone may not be enough to tell them apart. [ more ]
New577 Pouchitis, cuffitis, SIBO. All three share similar symptoms. I have had cuffitis and SIBO, but not pouchitis. Symptoms I have had include frequency, spasms, blood, and a constant sense of need to go (tenesmus). I am sure the pouchitits sufferers will respond, but a pouchoscopy with biopsies will reveal the real issues and provide a sound diagnosis for treatment. pouchitus and SIBO are treated with antibiotics and cuffititis is usually treated with mesalamine either oral or suppositories. All... [ more ]
Petey12 I'm so sorry no one has responded to this because I have the same question [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
MIKEEY Hi Katey- You must be very handy by installing it, that's really great, I cant even hang a picture. Thanks so much for shearing, have a beautiful day. Best regards, Mikey [ more ]
katey After many years I finally got a bidet seat. I can sort of give my self an enema that way, just have to sit in the right position. It helps to clean things out. I installed it myself and didn't need electricity. [ more ]
Sara Marie ❤️
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Pouchoscopy Routine?
MMOB I appreciate your thoughts, but it is no longer a concern. I had my pouchoscopy a few weeks ago and everything went well. Thanks again. [ more ]
Hark I had my surgery around the same time as you (2006) and since then I have had a pouchoscopy every year. From what I've heard most docs try to wait 2 or 3 years between scopes, but that hasn't been my experience. Try not to worry, it's a good thing. [ more ]
CTBarrister Glad to hear that you have a handle on what is going on and are taking steps to treat it! The biopsies should be fine. I have had mild to moderate pouchitis for 28 years and it can be lived with, but going forward you should probably have annual scopes, until further notice. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Gallstones, Stent Surgery and Scar tissue
Hark I had lots of issues with scar tissue, pretty regular blockages and eventually surgery due to them. They took out my gallbladder, no problem. Didn't even need a specialized gastro surgeon [ more ]
kirsten My first doc was Dr.Peter Marcello when he was at the Cleveland Clinic. My second pouch was done by Dr. Sclow who is now at Mayo in MN. Your advice rings true. Alas, now I am in Utah. [ more ]
Pals I do not know where u live but I would go to Cleveland Clinc or Mayo in St Paul and do what they say. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Afferent Limb
Sara Marie That referred pain thing is so vexing when a person is trying to figure out what's going on in their body! [ more ]
Scott F We don't always feel pain exactly where the trouble is, but the afferent limb is part of the J-pouch and is located in the pelvis - basically at the bottom of the torso, below the abdomen. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Keto and Pouch
Jaypea I follow a semi-keto diet. I try as hard as I can to do zero or no carbs because I feel I have more energy, my joints ache less, I think more clearly and just overall have a healthier outlook. HOWEVER it does increase frequency and butt burn. When things get uncomfortable I have a carb meal or increase my carb intake. I also have to make sure I don't lose too much weight. I'm down about 20 kg and don't want to lose any more. I do not have IBD and have my pouch as a result of an extremely... [ more ]
Sara Marie I tried Keto for a while and I noticed the same thing. And then I noticed my blood felt thick and sluggish in my body which made me feel like there was extra gravity. So I stopped it. I have known other pouchless people who tried it for weight loss and it worked initially, then not. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Mouth ulcers/cold sores
Sara Marie ❤️
Chopkins Thank you for your responses. We appreciate it. I am trying to get her in with my Gastroenterologist but it's a long wait. I will tell her about azathioprine. I also still get the mouth ulcers and inflammation in the small intestine, pain in anus and joints. I was on remicade and now we are trying Entyvio. Fingers crossed that it works. Again, thank you 😊 [ more ]
Andreita I was diagnosed with uc and when my colon came out, pathology said it was uc. I have frequent mouth and genital ulcers. I keep mine in check with azathioprine. Yes I have my colon removed but my auto immune disease is still active and attacks my mouth, anus, genitals and also my joints. I'd have her evalued by a physician and given treatment. Lidocaine can help to numb the pain in her mouth for a bit until the ulcers heal. [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsGeneral Discussion
Medications for Crohn's disease
BK 123 Hi Sheila, I've been on Humira for a little over a year now for chronic pouchitis. My pouchitis is behaving like Crohn's and I developed a fistula, which resulted in being prescribed Humira. It has been working great for me. I've cut down my bathroom trips from ~15/day to 4-6x during the day, twice at night (depending how much I eat at dinner and how many hours before bedtime). I still have the fistula but it is manageable - little to no pain there with minimal drainage despite being an open... [ more ]
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J-Pouch ForumsHelp! Need advice now!
Small bowel obstruction
SeattleJane Hello all, I am newly home last Wednesday from the hospital after *another* SBO, but this one was different enough I want to post a few notes about what was "new" in the hope that it is helpful. 1) An SBO diagnosed on the same day of having lots of diarrhea? Yes. I was alerted late evening to what felt like an SBO by the classic waves of excruciating abdominal pain, BUT I had 3 major bouts of diarrhea earlier that day so kept second guessing myself. How could it be possible to huge amounts... [ more ]
grateful As always, thank you, Scott.😇 [ more ]
Scott F Liquid IV is a commercial oral rehydration solution. It’s sold as a powder to mix with water. It’s sweetened with allulose, which is natural and they say doesn’t raise blood sugar like other sugars. [ more ]
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William J. Johnson

Bill Johnson founded the J-Pouch Group in 1997.

After a life long battle with Ulcerative colitis, Bill finally had his colon removed and was given an ostomy in 1993. A failed attempt for a j-pouch and then many surgeries to get back his health gave Bill the motivation to create a web site dedicated to giving support to patients who have had or are considering j-pouch surgery.

Forum moderator and advisor
Jan Dollar R.N.





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