I woke up to a tirade this morning on how IBS/IPS has ruined our social life. The tirade trigger was that I did not want to go to a stranger's house for dinner in a week. My daily pain level is between a 5 and 7. I am scared to eat anything because I no longer know what will increase the pain. I am not ready to go to a stranger's house and deal with these symptoms. I think I would be a lousy guest.
At this point, I feel like giving up. No matter how hard I try to stay cheerful and find solutions instead of accepting limitations, I get criticized.
He seems to think I am crazy and have to see a psychiatrist to "get over" my fear of pain.
His lack of understanding is just too much.
If the doctors cannot help me and my family will not support me, there does not seem to be much of a point to trying to be positive. Sometimes life just sucks.
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