Hello everyone,
I've had my pouch for just over a year and still suffer from frequency, urgency, leaking, dietary restrictions, a lack of mobility (gotta be near a bathroom at all times) and the occasional accident. A pouchoscopy revealed no inflammation and I've tried several medications to lessen my frequency, to no avail. Apparently a speedy transit time is to blame for most of my woes.
I'm very unhappy with this pouch and believe I'd do better with a permanent ileostomy (I did very well with the temp ileo). Today I went to my surgeon to discuss options and, frankly, I'm scared out of my wits. It's major surgery, obviously, but my surgeon claimed there's a 20-30% chance I'll develop either impotence or retrograde ejaculation (I'd believed it was more like 5%). He also mentioned there was a small but real chance of developing bladder incontinence. When I asked him how many pouch to end ileo conversions he'd done, he said of 150+ pouches he's created, he's only had to remove 5 (yep, just five). He also removes and seals the rectum, which I've read is quite painful (I'm okay with abdominal pain, but not with butt pain). Since I'm with Kaiser, I can't just shop around for surgeons, and Kaiser's other local colo-rectal surgeons have less experience than mine. I'm angry with myself for not researching how arduous and risky it was to remove the pouch; if I'd known it was this bad I'd have gone straight to an end ileo!
Two questions for anyone who's gone through the pouch-->end ileo conversion:
1) Did you have any problems with your bladder or reproductive organs?
2) Had your surgeon performed many conversions before doing yours?
3) If your rectum was removed, how bad was the pain and how did you cope?
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