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Hi all,
I am working freelance and need some advice as to how to get worklife and pouch issues to go hand in hsnd.
I got my pouch in january 2012 after severe complications and 8 operations in total. Since I have had problems with the internal scarring closing of my pouch. That has happend 3 times. Last time was in March. Now I get pains, movements like an obstruction is happening and diarrea every 1 1/2 month but I often gi to work regardless, though I feel really bad.
I am afraid to loose my contracts if I don't. How do you handle pouchissues and work?
Thank you for your help.
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If you're having problems periodically, then it's no different from any chronic illness. It depends completely on how disabled you are, and how frequently. You may need some sick time periodically, but just about everyone does. Most decent employers understand that people sometimes get sick, even contractors.

I've been very lucky, and I don't think I've take a single pouch-related sick day in the eleven years since my surgery, except for a few hours off for two pouchoscopies.
I had to find this thread so I could comment on it. I'm at work today...particularly a rough day.. I keep having to go to the bathroom whenever I get up from my desk. I realized the only way to get through my day is to deal with it..other than eating peanut butter and crackers to slow my gut down that's honestly it. I don't even want to eat the crackers because I don't want to feel anymore constipated then I already feel...double edge sword thing going on. Just bidding my time to where I can go home and sit down.

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