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Hello J-Pouches,

What do you all do when you go to the bathroom away from home? I know this is a silly question, but I see various discussion regarding butt burn and how people deal with it in different ways. I have seen several suggestions that recommend using disposable wipes and various creams and whatnot. Do you bring these wipes and creams around with you wherever you go, or only use these primarily at home?

Being a guy, I can see it being annoying lugging around a whole bunch of toiletries when I am out socializing. I would have to get my self a man-bag! Razzer

I will be a fellow j-poucher come 8/20 and just looking for some insight.

Sorry if this question seems ridiculous. Just curious.


PS: I had my pouchoscopy yesterday (1st one)....i now have a full appreciation of the phrase "he ripped him a new a-hole"....LOL. It was quite an uncomfortable experience for me. Thank God it is a short procedure. At least my Dr. said everything looks perfect.
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I had my pouchoscopy yesterday (1st one)....i now have a full appreciation of the phrase "he ripped him a new a-hole"....LOL. It was quite an uncomfortable experience for me

Did you have sedation? Every time I read about the lack of sedation for the pouchoscopy procedure I think about the scene in "Total Recall" in which Arnold Schwarznegger flips out before being sedated:
Not a ridiculous question at all! Yeah, I can understand it would be more difficult for you men to carry these supplies around with you. Hopefully, you will need them for just a short period while you adapt.

However -- I always carry a few butt-wipes in a small zip-lock bag in my purse. You could maybe stick a small bag of them in your pocket (I've done this)? As for creams, I don't bother using them if out and about for a few hours and need to "go". Butt if you can't go without them, you can transfer them to a very small container, or purchase in small tubes and stick them in your pocket as well.

At work I have a very small, discreet, black "makeup" bag I carry to the washroom, it contains a small squirt bottle that I fill up with water before I make my trip, my cream, and butt-wipes. I'm sure people wonder why I tote it into the BR every time, but it is what it is. Don't see why you couldn't do the same if you feel it necessary.

Best of luck on your takedown - great to hear that your pouch looks perfect!
I do carry a "man-bag" with me when I am out for an extended period of time. I keep baby wipes in there. Don't need butt cream anymore as I no longer experience butt burn. The wipes, however, are a necessity when traveling IMHO.

I sometimes would rather not be carrying a shoulder bag (or fanny pack) but it is a small price to pay when you need to go while on the go.
lol DJ. that is funny. no, i had no sedation. my doctor told me it would be minimal discomfit. i told him he is a good liar after the procedure! the only good thing about not having sedation is that it didn't kill the rest of my day and i just got up and walked out of there when it was over. next up is my pouch-o-gram on 8/6. hopefully there will be no leaks!

thanks nancyann and tincan for the insights. like evrybody else, i'll do what i have to to make it work!


I don't really think sedation kills the rest of one's day. I work as an attorney and after my scope on June 22, my office manager drove me back to my office and I worked on drafting important legal documents the rest of that day with no problema.

The other benefit to sedation is you don't end up a basket case during the procedure like Arnold did in that scene from "Total Recall." Someone else reported that they freaked out in Arnold-like fashion from an attempted insertion of the nasogastric tube, something they cannot sedate you for.
yeah DJ, you're probably right. but i wouldn't be able to get someone to drive me back to job is an hour away from my doctor's office. it easier for me to not be sedated due to the driving issue. so i deal with hell for 10 minutes! :O)

i have a big fear of the NG tube! that is one of my biggest worries for my next surgery. i am surprised they can't sedate people for that. they put it into me when i was under for the 1st surgery. you think they would be able to do it while under sedation.

Mark - you may find that you need absolutely nothing after takedown. Many pouchers live totally normal, non-medicated, sans wipes, anti-butt cream lives. Hopefully you'll be one of them so you can forego the man-purse (although a stylish backpack would be an alternative).

Many people here have their scopes unsedated for the very reason you mentioned. A small window of 'discomfort' (you know, like childbirth is just some 'pressure') and you're on your way. I do sedation because I can. I love that drug combo. And sadly they don't provide doggie bags for the leftovers because I'd be taking those with me.

It sounds like all is 'running' along smoothly!

kathy Big Grin
I carry a small bottle of cetaphil in my pocket. I had bad butt burn for the first few years, and never since i started using cetaphil every time i use a bathroom. I found that wipes irritated my skin, but a tissue, then a fingertip with cetaphil and then another tissue does the trick every time. haven't had butt burn in years (other than when I am stupid and eat cheesy nachos with lots of hot sauce)
thanks for the info jpouch888 and 2001!

kathy, i love the dead (wait, isn't that an alice cooper song???) :O)

i still miss jerry! started seeing them in '87 and still consider them the best live band i have ever seen. i am a music freak...see live shows all of the time!

private message me kathy if you wanna chat some music! :O)


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