I'm due to have surgery, creation of J pouch and loop ileostomy.
Will my current two piece Stoma products be suitable ?
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Good luck!
The first ileo was less liquid and I liked to use mono-appliance (the wafer comes with the bag) as I found it more flexible. The second, the loop one ileo, it was much more liquid and I didn't want to change wafer, so used a nice flexible wafer I like it.
You'll find the best one for you, just continue to seek.
I was just wondering whether to take enough of my current Stoma supplies with me to Hospital.
I'm sure if necessary the Hospital will provide something suitable but I'd rather be prepared and use what I've become accustommed too.
I currently use a mouldable convex flange/collar, which as the name suggest, it moulds to the shape and size of the Stoma, for added protection, I also use Salts Stoma collars which prevent seepage onto the skin and a closed bag to collect output.
Personally, I've no idea what to expect but I envisage the Stoma being of similar size and appearance.
Yes, you will still have a stoma but you are playing in a completely different ball park.
Thanks for all the very informative replies.
I'll take a small selection and see how it goes.
If current supplies are not really suitable, I suspect the hospital will provide all what's necessary.
I think that only trying and mistaking I found both of the times the RIGHT appliance that allowed to live fully without a day of absence from work post-op.
And you must do the same. Convex wafers are excellent, don't be afraid if your stoma won't protrude, or your outcome will be too much watery, there will be a solution for that for sure.

I took some of my supplies with me for the j pouch surgery and we used it on day 1, it didn't work though and from then on I have been trying different bags that the stoma nurses give me to try.
one thing to note is that this loop ileostomy will probably be flush to the skin as you need to keep tension in the j pouch. just remember its temporary and if you ever have to go back to a loop if your pouch fails, it will not be like this one so don't worry...
Thanks Shainy.
Must admit, not looked that for ahead in regard to the loop ileostomy, its appearance and closeness to the skin, never even occurred to me, I wasn't worrying, I assumed there'll be very little difference to what I have now.
My current end ileostomy was initially very close and short, reason as to why I use a convex collar, however, it appears to have grown in length, some days it is still very close but most of the time it protrudes.
My concern, is how much will my day to day activites and fitness be affected by the temp loop ileostomy.
I waited 4 weeks till I did my first run, although I did plenty of walking up till then and even though I get a lot of irritation on the skin around the stoma it doesn't fully leek so I can go out and about without worrying..
Thanks again Shainy.
In regard to supplies, Stoma nurse advises that all I need will be provided, especially as I currently use closed pouches, which won't be suitable for the liquidy output of the loop ileostomy.
Also advised that convex collar not ideal immediately after surgery, especially as my surgeon normally uses a rod to separate the intestine.