When I had low iron and ferritin levels, during the time I had a J pouch, I would get iron infusions on a regular basis. They made a tremendous difference in improving my energy level and minimizing headaches. My levels would get lower than what you are at now, but I was barely functioning at that point. Your crit and hemoglobin levels are normal, which is contrary to what I experienced as they too would get very little.The hematologist worked with my G.I. doctor. Have you gone to a specialist?
At the time I didn't give much credence to the doctors' opinions that the cause was chronic inflammation– – Caused by pouchitis. Nearly 2 years ago I had my J pouch removed and now have a k pouch. I have only had low iron levels after a surgery, but no more need for iron infusions. Do you have pouchitis or other information? What is your SED rate? I was also on antibiotics at the time, Which I mentioned because it may be another variable. That said I still face some amount of exhaustion, but could be my age or could be other physical problems
have you taken iron supplements, the type over-the-counter? You might want to try a liquid form as it's better digested
One other thought is whether your B 12 has been checked. When you lose your colon you lose your ability to absorb B12. I give myself a B 12 shot every month to six weeks.
It's terribly frustrating to go through the exhaustion and have abnormal blood work and not know what to do. I've been there, I was there for years and years. Sorry that you aren't feeling well and I hope you can get some relief. Keep us posted to the resolution. Janet