jpouch reconnected 6 weeks ago. I still have an achey pain just below where stoma was. but last weekend I spent 2 days in hospital due to inflammation just past the connection site of the stoma. They said it was pretty bad inflammation and couldn't tell why it was there, it wasn't typical. It feels so much better than when in hospital now but some still lingers. I don't know if its just pain from the connection itself still healing or if I am still having some residual inflammation? they did not give me any anti-inflammatories due to being not so far out from surgery. so could it be that its just taking longer to heal due to no help from drugs? does a pouch scope actually go up that far to the connection site where the stoma was? I want to get scoped by Shen in the next few months just to check everything out anyways.
regardless of this , my pouch is working great. only going about 5 or 6 times a day and gas is barely there now, and my hemorrhoid has almost cleared up. I just need to eat more to gain some weight now.