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I am so tired of repeating myself. I just feel so utterly desperate. Can you tell me what you would do if you were me?

I had a flex sig four weeks ago. After it, I developed severe pain for 2 weeks. During those two weeks I took a course of cipro, and had a CT scan (after only 45 min of having the dye in me vs the usual 4 hours) which showed nothing unusual, & started neurontin. Whether it was the cipro, or starting the Neurontin, my pain finally went away.
Then a week later I noticed pink discharge from my pouch (which hasn't been reattached yet), had a few chills, & began to feel burning in my pouch. So, I started cipro again. After 48 hours on it is didn't feel any better-& then it started: INSANE RECTAL SPASMS ABOUT EVERY 20 minutes accompanied by a gush of brown fluid from my pouch- so much gushing I am forced to wear a depends which I haven't done since surgery. The spasms bring me to my knees crying out. I have to grip something to survive them & they last about 45 seconds.
I went to the ER last night. I had a low grade fever. They ran labs which all came back normal- including c diff. I asked for a flex sig or a MRI. They refused both. They sent me home on a cipro/flagyl combo , & Valium which I have never taken. I took one dose of the Valium. I didn't notice any difference in my symptoms. The only thing that is remotely helping is one Vicodin every 4 hours. I am still having the spasms & my inner bottom rectum feels lone it's burning.

I am in so much pain. What would you do if you were me? I tried to call my surgeon / he is out of town for 2 weeks.
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I'd probably be taking my temp 3 times a day to see if there are any trends, and documenting the pain/spasm symptoms with what I was doing or eating at the time.

Maybe it is just adhesions with entrapped nerves, but there could also be something brewing in there that did not show on your first CT. If they are not inclined to do an MRI, how about a repeat CT? Things can and do change in a couple of weeks. I would not push for another scope after your last experience.

If they insist that you try the prescribed antibiotics before further testing, I would do that. Being seen as noncompliant will not help your situation.

Jan Smiler
Yeah, low grade fever could be nothing, but combined with your other symptoms, highly suspicious. I fiddled around with a low grade fever and intermittent rectal pain that was like a hot poker up my ass for about a month. Then, I spiked a fever of 104+ and that got everyone's attention. I saw the on call surgeon, who felt the swelling on digital exam and sent me straight to the hospital for an emergency CT. A huge presacral abscess (500+cc) had formed. It was drained in radiology and I spent nearly 2 weeks in the hospital. I had the drain in for a month before it was removed.

So, yeah, I agree with your plan. This is not normal.

Jan Smiler
There are few instances in which requesting a specific diagnostic test from a health care provider gets a good result. Each test has things it's good at detecting and things it can't detect at all. If you 1) have an idea of what you'd like them to look for, 2) know that the specific test is good at finding such things, and 3) have some rapport with the physician, then you can have a reasonable discussion about diagnostic tests. Condition 3 is hard to get to in an ER.

Without some sort of plausible hypothesis, any testing is just a stab in the dark, usually pointless. It's the doc's job to generate some plausible hypotheses. If they can't do that, you need to find a different doc or a different ER.

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