I usually eat around 6-7p.m., with some snack/desert around 9 or 10. I never found limiting eating in the evening to have a positive effect. Actually the opposite. The empty gut was churning and complaining around midnight. 18 years and I still get up once or twice during the night, but I go right back to sleep. If it wasn't my gut waking me up, it is arthritic pain or leg cramps, so when I wake up, I get up and use the toilet even if that was not the reason I was awakened.
I still feel rested, so that is what matters to me.
You may just be expecting too much too soon. Two months is not very much time in the grand scheme of things. But, I understand your frustration. It does get better, just gradually. Give it another month or so, and it should be more like 3-4 hours before you are awakened.
Oh yeah, do avoid sweets during the day and in the evening. They are like a laxative! This includes sweet drinks, including juice and Gatorade!