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I've had my j-pouch for six and a half years and have had pouchitis from the start. I've tried everything including various combinations of antibiotics, enemas, probiotics, stool thickeners, codeine to slow things down and I still have ten to fifteen poops a day and can't gain weight, I'm about 18 pounds underweight. I've also tried various diets such as low carbs and dairy free and all that happens is I lose more weight. I've had many tests done to ascertain whether there is another problem to account for my symptoms as my current GI doesn't think that the condition of my pouch accounts for the severity of my symptoms. She calls it mild pouchitis. My concern is what if I have a permanent ileostomy and I still don't gain weight? I'm currently not in pain but I do have a lot of discomfort (bloating, weakness, fatigue) and suffer lack of sleep from frequent trips to the loo which interrupts my sleep at least three times in the night. I also have had partial fecal incontinence since receiving my j-pouch. I've had several bouts of adhesions which has been very painful. I'm normally a very active person but am inhibited from doing many activities right now. I want what's best for my general well being and quality of life; how can I ascertain that an ileostomy will provide that? Is my situation "bad enough" to warrant taking that chance? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
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