thought pochitis or dehydrated b/c aching all over & etc. started cipro (taken before)with no side affects. 4yrs. ago broke out told shingles (some might remember my post)saw 4docs. still no real answer. Now have same breakout/burns (like sunburn)in addition to last time skin is peeling. Also elbo (right only)if put down on something feels like pin sticking in it. Also rist hurt. Also have cuffitis (canasa) but have taken both together. Have gone through the change could it now be too strong for my body? ANY IDEAS! Also itches. Needless to say one issues is enough to deal with but all together is driving me nuts/makes me ill. when stressed does seem worse/more pain when cold or rainy. Have woke up sweating so not sure if fungus. Might be several issues. Any feedback will be much appreciated. Dermatologist once said does not think pain/breakout is related/he knows nothing about lupus or other issues even though they also deal w/skin issues....
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