Hi everyone
I am happy to report that when I had a scope at both ends they were both in excellent shape. The surgeon said that there is absolutely no sign of inflamation in the j-pouch at all and said after two years there usually is. However, I was on cipro for a bout of diahrea and feeling very ill a couple of weeks prior to the scope and while I was on the cipro I had absolutely minimal gas and pooped without it exploding out of me (sorry for the graphics). Now that I am off the cipro the gas, indigestion, foul smelling stool,back aches from the gas and the explosive poops are back. Anyone experience this and why would the cipro help? Since my j-pouch is doing excellently (very releaved to hear that!) with no sign of infection or inflamation then I don't understand what is going on. I am going to see another Specialist because I have low iron and it's not being lost from the j-pouch so they are trying to find out why. I also have to see a Kidney Specialist because my kidneys have been in trouble since my first surgery and every time I get sick my function worsens. Sigh......seems like if it isn't one thing its another. I am back to work now and off the Cipro and feeling much better execpt for the gas, back aches,ect, ect...as mentioned above. Any ideas anyone as to what might be going on?
Thanks Linda
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