Hi, I'm planning to have my initial surgery in December and the take down in february (UC). I've read lots of info about what recovery is like in the hospital and how much time you may need off work - but I'm still mystified by what EXACTLY (and I'm sure it's different for everyone, but still) you need help with at home. Do you need to be at home because you're just generally in pain and need a lot of rest and need to get used to changing your pouch (or going to the bathroom after takedown), or are there more specific things? Do you need help getting in and out of bed? Are certain positions painful, like standing, lying on your side, sitting? Are certain movements difficult - lifting your arms, sitting up from a lying position, crouching down? What is it that I might need people to help me with? Cooking for me, shopping? Do you need help getting dressed or bathing? I imagine I won't want to lift/sort a load of laundry for myself. Thanks!
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