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So last week, Wednesday to be precise, I ate a small amount of corn and black bean salad. I know what you're all going to say - I've had issues with partial obstructions; I should know better. And I should, really. But I was at a work function, there were limited food choices, and I ate a relatively small amount and chewed well.  I thought everything was fine. I had normal, regular BMs the rest of the week, no issues. Nothing to even hint that anything was amiss. Then yesterday morning I started getting a bit of cramping out of the blue. Lo and behold, a trip to the bathroom revealed corn kernels and black bean casings (more than I thought I'd eaten, but that's beside the point). WTF... this was a good 5 whole days later. This morning, I still have a few corn kernels making an appearance. I'm puzzled. I was not obstructed, I was still passing stool with normal frequency and consistency. And yet the corn hung around in my gut for days. You think it would have moved through, since everything else seemed to be... odd, to be sure. 

Last edited by Spooky
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It seems that they hide out in a corner of the gut until they are ready to leave...I get it with pineapple, certain salads and things like leeks (why I would eat leeks with a k pouch is a mistery...)

Some pills hang around for weeks and months aparently too, only to dissolve all together after a particularly acidic meal (sent me to ER on more than one occasion with an accidental overdose).

At least you didn't get a blockage...


Well, like I was saying, I should have known better. Given my history, it's lucky I didn't obstruct. Still, every once in a while, I like to try adding back foods that I've eliminated in the past. Needless to say, I don't think I'll be sampling corn again any time soon. Clearly some things should stay on the never list. 

Last edited by Spooky

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