In March 2010 I had a total colectomy with a temporary ileostomy and j-pouch creation due to Ulcerative Colitis. My takedown was May 2010. In November of 2013, I developed a recto-vaginal fistula (yay!). A repair was done, and then like two weeks later I developed another fistula higher up, near my j-pouch.
There is a stricture in the j-pouch and the opening is very narrow, resulting in high pressures that may have contributed to the fistulas... so a few weeks ago on Aug 13th I had another repair this time with another temporary ileostomy created in order to relieve pressure on the fistula area and hopefully allow it to heal.
Now, I am noticing a really weird pattern on my stoma that was not present back in 2010. It looks like a hexagonish cobblestone pattern on the side of the stoma. Any ideas on what this could be?
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