Hey guys. I've got a J-Pouch, as well as a new diagnosis of diabetes. I have been trying to lose weight for two years now, but for some reason, I can't seem to get it down. I keep gaining, or yo-yoing within the same ten pound area. I have recurring pouchitis as well, and often can't eat raw or even cooked vegetables or fruits because I can't digest them and they make me bleed. But I've also cut out bread, pasta and potatoes almost entirely.
I've switched to brown rice, wheat bread, which I don't have bread often at all, wheat wraps. I eat more fish and much less red meat. I should be losing weight, but nothing is happening. My diabetes can still be reversed, and I'm eating the right foods to be able to, but I also need to lose weight. I've seen doctors and nutritionists, and been told that due to my medical history with UC and my J-Pouch, that there is nothing they can do for me. That I should see my surgeon who did my surgeries and MAYBE he might be able to help point me in the right direction.
I'm NOT looking for surgical options lest it be liposuction, which I cannot afford because I'm legally disabled because of all my belly issues, so I honestly don't see what a surgeon could do for me aside that or coolsculpting.
Does ANYONE have any kind of advice on how I can get at least 60 pounds off, if not more? I'm getting married in September and would very much like to be able to look good for it.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
The only way I know to lose weight is to consume less, and move more. I love to eat, so that's not easy for me, but that's really the only way. If you are able, join a group, if not ask a friend to walk with you everyday. Once you see those first few pounds go, it gets easier. Good luck, and congrats with the wedding.
Would definitely recommend the low carb diet. 45-60 carbs, my dad lost about a 100 pounds with that diet. A vegetarian diet in addition to that will help too
I've lost big amounts before and it's like 80 percent what you eat and 20 percent exercise.I found eating foods high in protein that you can't binge on like boiled eggs as snacks helped and salmon is hard to overeat.a crosstrainer is a great exercise equipment or long walks.but it's about eating foods that make you feel full and moving more.if you eat foods high in protein like turkey you will feel full quicker and if you eat foods high in fiber it means your body will just sh#t it out.
My advice is the same as above. You have to move more than you are taking in to tip the scales. It’s true that once you feel even a little bit of success, you will want to push harder. Keep looking at that wedding dress for motivation to FEEL your best on your big day
I'm having less than 1000 calories a day, I'm constantly moving because I take care of my fiance's disabled grandmother, plus I exercise as well, and I'm already on a low carb diet due to the diabetes. NONE of it is working. If I eat any less I won't be eating at all, and if I move any more I'll never sit down.
Hum wow, sorry to hear that Seirla. My only other thought would be to maybe see a nutritionist. You mentioned that money could be difficult. I know that's prob. not going to be covered by insurance. Though you could make an inquiry of your company.
Have you checked your thyroid?
I've seen nutritionists already, as I said in my original post. And yes I've had my thyroid checked two weeks ago and it's normal.
Have you had a vitamin panel drawn (bloodwork)? My life changed significantly when my hematologist started treating me like she would a gastric bypass patient. It changed my life.
https://www.healthline.com/hea...betes-ketogenic-diet Sherila, I found this link to a keto diet for diabetics that could help you. I would definitely check with your doctor before you even consider it though. I think 1000 cals. a day isn't a good thing for you, because you are a diabetic. I'm not sure why your doctors are so strange about the j pouch thing, to me the diabetes is much more concerning. There are draw backs for diabetics and keto diet too. That's why I think you need to bounce it off your doctor. Maybe a GI would be more receptive than a GP. I so hope this at least have you something to think about.
Sharon I think I MIGHT have had a vitamin panel done but I'm not entirely sure. I know I'm vitamin D deficient but the pills that you get over the counter tear up my belly like the iron pills used to before I had surgery.
Aimee, why do you say that a thousand calories isn't a good idea for me? Do you think it should be less? I don't think I can do less than I already am. I start to feel sick if I try. Maybe I will talk to my GI guy, though he's not familiar with post operative patients, and I can't afford to constantly go to Boston, so I'm not entirely sure what to do there..
No no no, that's not enough!
Do you have an idea of how much I should be eating? I've always struggled a little with eating. I love food, but sometimes I end up eating too much and then other times I struggle and refuse to eat at all. Unfortunately I have body dysmorphia and struggle with image issues mostly do to the woman I used to call my mother, so I honestly don't know what the frick to do at this point. I just want to lose at least sixty pounds and be healthy again..
Somewhere between 1500 and 1800. I know how you feel. We are told growing up how pretty we are 🥺 instead of how smart. I always tell my granddaughters both. I worry that maybe I should not voice image at all. Please eat more. I really think you are putting yourself in danger by eating so little.
My mother didn't tell me I was pretty or smart. My mother used to make fun of me, saying my favorite color was clear, and told me I looked six months pregnant when I was only a size four at 12 years old. I'm still learning to try and move past all of it.
I will try to eat a little more if I can manage it. I am on medication that should help, so I'm hoping that it will work for the diabetes and for a bit of weight loss.
That's aweful! Some people should never be a parent. Just know that you will be a beautiful bride no matter what! Good luck. You can do this.
@Seirla posted:My mother didn't tell me I was pretty or smart. My mother used to make fun of me, saying my favorite color was clear, and told me I looked six months pregnant when I was only a size four at 12 years old. I'm still learning to try and move past all of it.
I will try to eat a little more if I can manage it. I am on medication that should help, so I'm hoping that it will work for the diabetes and for a bit of weight loss.
I know exactly what you are talking about! My mother was the same way. I am 5 '10' and I weighed 145 which is normal for a tall woman at my height, and my mom told me i could lose weight and she always called my hair ugly. What you need to know was that we had abusive mothers. Abusive mothers are not real mothers if they do not change. We deserved better. The only way we can beat our abusive mothers is by not becoming like them. Do not let her comments control you or have you. 1,000 calories is way toooo less! you should eat at least 2,000 calories each day. Please eat and your beautiful no matter what. Perhaps you should see a therapist to help you with your past trauma, I did, and I am better now.
Thank you Lauren. I actually have a wonderful therapist with whom I have made significant progress with on the issue of the woman I no longer call mother. But I really have always struggled with my weight, though I am a very tall woman at five foot ten to eleven inches barefoot.
I'd like to at LEAST get back to what my average weight has been, which would be 200 pounds. Right now I weigh around 260, and it's very uncomfortable. I can't paint my own toes anymore and I don't like it. I recently lost a pound or two in the last two weeks, so I'm hoping that the changes I made to my diet due to the diabetes will help along with the Metformin my doctor put me on.
I was on a type 2 diabetes drug called Ozempic. It was a once a week little injection - it is known to help people lose weight also.
I'm not a Type 2 diabetic. The Metformin I'm on originally was given to me for weight loss and just happens to be the medication of choice for where I am right now. I take it like I'm supposed to, though I struggle with it because I struggle to eat like a normal person and I have to take it with food
Here's what you do and I guarantee success.
1 buy a scale of you don't have one already
2 download a calorie track app on your phone
3 weigh yourself every single morning after you use the bathroom but before you eat or drink anything and record it
4 record every single thing you eat and drink all day every day.
After a month or 2 of this it will become very easy to see what your calorie requirements are and you can adjust your diet accordingly
I do have a scale, and a health app on my phone that tracks everything I eat. And I've been told before to not weigh myself every day because it sets you up for failure and your weight fluctuates throughout the day and only weight yourself once a week or it won't be accurate. If I weighed myself daily like I used to I'd stop eating entirely again. Also the only thing I really drink is water, which my app tracks as well but doesn't have any calories to it. And as a diabetic I have to be eating so I don't crash. I need to find a "happy medium" so to speak. I can't eat tons of vegetables like normal people do in order to lose weight. It's more complicated than that.
By chance are you taking insulin for your diabetes. I assume you have type one?
I do not take insulin no. I still produce my own thankfully. I'm only on Metformin, which makes me more sensitive to the insulin my pancreas makes.
@Seirla posted:Thank you Lauren. I actually have a wonderful therapist with whom I have made significant progress with on the issue of the woman I no longer call mother. But I really have always struggled with my weight, though I am a very tall woman at five foot ten to eleven inches barefoot.
I'd like to at LEAST get back to what my average weight has been, which would be 200 pounds. Right now I weigh around 260, and it's very uncomfortable. I can't paint my own toes anymore and I don't like it. I recently lost a pound or two in the last two weeks, so I'm hoping that the changes I made to my diet due to the diabetes will help along with the Metformin my doctor put me on.
I am glad you are doing better! And yay you are talll too!!! Is your dad in you life???
I think you will get there in your own time. You are beautiful no matter what love
Do you exercise???
I'm constantly going up and down stairs and doing things for my fiance's grandmother who is very physically disabled. Plus I try to do some flat out exercise every day as well. My father is sort of there. I haven't seen him in several years, and I only hear from him if I call him, which I don't get the chance to do very often. And yes lol I'm quite tall.
@Seirla posted:I'm constantly going up and down stairs and doing things for my fiance's grandmother who is very physically disabled. Plus I try to do some flat out exercise every day as well. My father is sort of there. I haven't seen him in several years, and I only hear from him if I call him, which I don't get the chance to do very often. And yes lol I'm quite tall.
Oh cool! I try to exercise everyday from 30minutes to an 1hr, the average time. And I am sorry to hear that, I wish he would call you first. Life is not fair but at least we keep going.
No one ever said that life would be easy, they just said that it would be worth it.
@Seirla posted:No one ever said that life would be easy, they just said that it would be worth it.
I needed to hear that! Thanks!
You're not alone! I also struggle with trying to lose weight. I had list 90 lbs in 1 year on a restrictive plan with prepackaged food. After I went to my GI because I was having frequency and incontinence issues, she made me stop the program immediately. My issues were caused by sugar substitutes, especially sugar alcohols (anything with "ose" or "tol" in the name - sucralose and xrythritol are the most common).
My point is that many "diet" or low calorie foods contain those sugar alcohols. Please be careful about consumption of these foods, as they are not good for your pouch.
My Dr. 's have recommended 1200-1500 calories per day for weight loss, and of course exercise. I haven't been successful - in fact I've gained back 45 lbs (because of my sweet tooth!).
One thing that did help me somewhat was Adipex (prescription). It has to be prescribed, so you'll have to be monitored by your doctor. I'm not recommending this as a magic bullet - just sharing my experiences.
I went to a nutritionist and she pointed out the problems related to sugar alcohols and j-pouches. Read the labels because lots of “sugar free” or low sugar products carry sugar alcohol in their ingredients. I found this with some protein drinks as well. Good luck with working on your weight issues. It is a real struggle, for sure.
@CTB23 posted:I went to a nutritionist and she pointed out the problems related to sugar alcohols and j-pouches. Read the labels because lots of “sugar free” or low sugar products carry sugar alcohol in their ingredients. I found this with some protein drinks as well. Good luck with working on your weight issues. It is a real struggle, for sure.
What did she say about sugar alcohol and J-pouchers?
The problem with sugar alcohols is that they can cause diarrhea, not so good for j-pouches. In my case, I was looking to gain weight and I am pre-diabetic. If you look at Healthy Pouch Living put out by Cleveland Clinic, it mentions high output with low calorie or sugar free items that are made with sugar alcohols.
@CTB23 posted:The problem with sugar alcohols is that they can cause diarrhea, not so good for j-pouches. In my case, I was looking to gain weight and I am pre-diabetic. If you look at Healthy Pouch Living put out by Cleveland Clinic, it mentions high output with low calorie or sugar free items that are made with sugar alcohols.
Thanks hon
I appreciate all the tips. I'm allergic to sugar substitutes, so I don't eat low sugar or sugar free products to begin with Aspartame and Xylitol are big no-nos for me even before I ended up with UC. My face swells up and I can't open my mouth for days.