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The past month past month and a half I’ve lose 20 lbs without trying. I did switch from cipro to flagyl for persistent pouchitis -  I think the medicine is playing a role my lack of appetite and and contributing to the metallic taste in my mouth. I am getting a little concerned bc I literally don’t feel like eating anything. In the beginning I was excited but now I’m not so sure. It’s a slippery slope for us with other health issues. Before when I had colitis bad, I was down to a very poor weight- and I’m petite as it is. I’m afraid it’ll get back there.

This week I’m having another surgery (to fix a brain aneurism) and I anticipate feeling crappy after that surgery too. Enough to not want to eat until I get back on my feet.

Last night I was up vomiting and have been nauseous all day- I’m couldn’t make it to work today, haven’t eaten anything and I’m confident I’m dehydrated. I also feels extremely fatigued. I must have a bug or something I think….just going to the bathroom and it’s pure water.

Last edited by Bubba1028
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