Hi All,
I need help with weight gain. Yes, I said weight gain! Because of a SIBO diagnosis, I have lost about 15 pounds eating low FODMAPS for the past 2 years. I was already thin & couldn't afford to loose any weight. I am feeling better, but cannot gain weight.
Before SIBO, I was already lactose intolerant & somewhat dairy sensitive. So dairy is not an option for all those protein drinks that weight trainers use. I eat tremendous amounts of good healthy fats such as ghee, olive oil, avocados, fatty fish, coconut oil, MCT oil, etc. But it seems without the wheat bread, I gain nothing!
I have gone to a nutritionist, and got very little help. I do drink a pea & rice protein drink from Metagenics, and see very little weight gain. I eat & love red meat, pork, & all the various fatty meats.
Does anybody know of any safe drugs where the side affects are weight gain that I could discuss with my GI?
Anybody in the same boat?
Thanks for your advice.