Putting on weight "quick" is probably going to be an exercise in futility. You will put on pounds, but it may not show, because you are growing. You also cannot force yourself to grow taller. We do understand, as we all have been teenagers too, and know what it is like to be that skinny, awkward kid, while it seems that everyone else is some sort of awesome model look-alike! Doesn't help when those kids call you shrimp and weakling, and similar things. Truth is, there are lots of skinny kids like you. If you could see the future, those big guys probably would be fat and bald, and YOU would be the buff dude. But, you have to live in the now, so it is frustrating.
All I can say is to try to be as healthy and strong as you are able, and look to the future. You'll see, come college, things will be very different.