Yikes, who would have thought that oatmeal would turn out to be an offending food for me when it is a comforting, regulating, "go to" food for so many?? Well tolerated for several years and a regular breakfast choice of mine, I recently discovered that oatmeal was giving me limitless, explosive wind that was so uncomfortable. (And I was only eating the "healthy," longer cooking, old fashioned oatmeal with no sugars or additives) I didn't suspect the oatmeal as the offending irritant until I had eliminated almost everything else from my diet. Finally I stopped eating oatmeal, and voila, my problems disappeared. I thought I would post this as yet another reminder that we are all different in our response to foods and for each of us, personally, things can change so much over time. I guess you have to be an open-minded, master sleuth in order to stay on top of everything in terms of diet!! I hope this can help someone out there who may be experiencing something similar in terms of a friendly food becoming something to avoid or eliminate. It can be a surprising discovery to say the least!
Take care, everyone.
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