This morning I was completely fine, but I noticed some rather acidic gas that I would occasionally burp up soon after. I went through the day normally, but I also noted that my stools were growing more liquidy, from a somewhat typical one to diarrhea. I have a shift early in the morning so I went to bed early, taking a quarter of a Zanex. At about 1 am, I woke with slight abdominal pain, which was not adverse to menstrual cramps. I passed some gas and then headed to the bathroom, and sat there for a good 10 minutes with pure liquid stools. Its been an hour and a half, and the abdominal pain persists and occasionally is sharper when I lay down, usually right in the center of where my ribcage ends. I'm still passing the liquid stools every so often, and the gas seems to make it no better. I was certain that I was going to throw up about ten minutes ago, but it was pure gas in my throat causing it. I've been trying to drink water now and again, but I have work in an hour and a half. Is this serious enough to miss work or should I just tough it out? And what can I do to help resolve the pain and cure my diarrhea as quickly as possible
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