I had C-Diff with my colon and I've it with my j-pouch. The treatment is Flagyl or Vancomicin. It can be so severe people end up in the hospital in a quaranteed room, like they do with MRSA infections.
We need to only take antibiotics when absolutely necessary. They can kill off the good gut abactera thus opening the door for a C-Diff infection. CIPRO caused it when I still had my colon. I can't remember the names of the antibiotics I took several times after my surgeries, but they were necessary as I had an abcess several times etc.
Yesterday I had to have stiches and a Tetnas shot. My cat got spooked and I had to get stiches above my lip at an Urgent Care Center. The Dr. gave me Amoxicillin/Clavulanic 875-125MG to take twice daily for 5 days. The information sheet that came with it says it may cause Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff)infections. It also stated a C-Diff infection could occur while taking it or in a few weeks or even longer down the road. So it can act like a time bomb devil infection.
Today my Internist told me to stop taking it as the Urgent Care physician gave it to me as a protective measure. I am to check for inflamation and redness around the stitches and scratches elsewhere. If that occurs I'm to take the antibiotic. I'd already taken 2 of the 10 pills. She said to eat more yogurt and take more probiotics. To help with the use of the antibiodic and stave off a infection. I'm going to eat several Greek yogurts and take and extra packet of VSL#3DS for a while.
A C-Diff infection is something you don't want to get. If you are ever faced with a situation where antibiotics are prescribed to keep you for preventive measures, please have a serious discussion with your doctor about this. If Flagyl or Vancomicin will work that's good as they are what kills off C-Diff bacterial infections.
Also, my Internist is very knowledge about IBD, j-pouches, resections, stoma's et al. She is the one that prescribes the VSL for me.
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