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I've been on VSL3 for years.  My most recent batch tastes weird and now I've been having frequent, large volume of liquid stools.  Wondering if it's a bad batch.  Anyone else with the same experience?  What other probiotics are people taking?


Also -- the page format has changed since I last used it.  How does one search by topic?


Thanks so much,


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yes i found out that now they are making it in Italy not use i also got sick i don't know what to do taste awful i took mine back to pharmacy any ideas what to replace it with and anyone has a doctor in ny that knows about j pouches and that are accesible if you need them have been on cipro for five years can't seem to get off has a special diet helped  i have seen BO SHEN BUT NOT EASY TO GET TOO AND EXPENSIVE ALOT OF ULCERS WHERE MY J POUCH IS CONNECTED  THANKS

I've just filled a new prescription, and the packaging is indeed very different (it's more compact, which is a good thing, but the smaller packets are a bit harder to empty). The product itself seems slightly more powdery and prone to becoming airborne, whereas the previous product was more granular. I started the new stuff this morning and hope I don't reproduce Scallop's unpleasant experience, but I'll post either way.

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