I checked with my insurance company before asking for a prescription and they cover VSL#3DS. I checked with my drug store, Walgreens, and they could get it in. Not all drug stores carry it. It requires refrigeration and I need to give them several days notice to get it in for me.
After doing this research I gave the necessary information to my Internist and she wrote the prescription for it. I didn't want to bother my surgeon as he wasn't going to see me all the time and my Internist sees me 4 times a year. Plus she believes in taking probiotics, especially after taking antibiotics. BTW she suggests Align to people with colons after antibiotic use.
I went to a 2014 local IBD update conference this spring and both the surgeon and the GI presenting at the conference specifically recommended VSL#3 use for anyone with an Ileoanal pouch. There are papers on-line written by Dr. Shen at Cleveland Clinic about it's use that suggest it is beneficial. The problem is there are too few of us to do proper large scale studies with control subjects etc.
A patient of Dr. Shen's recently posted that he said to go ahead a use probiotics while taking antibiotics but to make sure there are 3-4 hours separating the probiotic use from taking the antibiotic.
I also take s.boulardii to prevent c.diff infections. I have had several of these infections since having my j-pouch as well as before having my colon out.
I still have recurrent bouts of pouchitis but I don't need to take antibiotics all the time. I also eat Greek yogurt daily. I like it and I mix my VSL#3 in it. I hardly taste any flavor in it. You need it mix VSL#3DS into something that tastes good and it will taste good. It has to be something cold, like yogurt, applesauce or ice cream (sugar = bad but the instructions suggest ice cream
) BTW - it tastes gross with cottage cheese.