I do not have bacterial overgrowth. Again I will repeat that my GI is Dr. Edward Loftus at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and I was tested for everything including celiacs a few months ago. I can not eat sugar as I have dry mouth and am fighting off cavities like crazy. Thank you for your concern.
I was not asking for a diagnosis as I was just adding my 2 cents about VSL#3DS and that Dr. Loftus had increased my dosage to 2 per day when I asked. I was pointing out I have chronic pouchits and that my pouch had grown in sized. He never said anything about the size of the pouch having anything to do with the quantity of VSL needed. That is the accountant in me coming out

Please don't be so quick to offer suggestions on someone's diet when you don't know what their diet is. I know you mean well and I know you've changed your diet dramatically. I've changed mine too.
I too take the VSL#3DS in-between the antibiotics. My problem was I would go on antibiotics for a few weeks and them wait for a few months until I was feeling really bad before taking them again. Now I am going to go on antibiotics sooner than later and if I don't feel well at the end of two weeks will trade off onto a different kind of antibiotics.