Sounds like norovirus. It comes on fast and strong. The hospital is the best place for you. Just make sure everyone is washing their hands and not spreading more germs to you. Jan Dollar just posted that alcohol-based hand sanitizers don't work on norovirus. One has to wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds. Also try to keep your hands away from your face.
I was just in the hospital ER and the doctor came in and shook my hand. He did not wash his hands beforehand or as he was leaving. I had two separate IV's and both times the person doing the procedure did so without gloves. I guess they missed that lecture.
I never felt that stomach ailments hit me any harder because I had a j-pouch. I think in my case I get through them much faster if they do hit. I've never become dehydrated because of it either (that I know of).
I hope you feel much better very soon.