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I had my take down surgery on 06.06.2017. I'm not sure how things are supposed to be so I can't say things are going good or bad. All I know is I'm very frustrated with all this. 

So far I have figured out that the only two things on this planet that I can eat without having watery stools- that cause serious burning- are pop tarts and white bread, turkey sandwiches. Literally anything else I put in my body then causes me to have to use the bathroom fairly frequently and it's pure liquid and burns. 

Like I said, I'm extremely frustrated and am looking for any help. This keeps me up at night and stops me from doing just about anything I want to do and I'm damn tired of pop tarts and sandwiches.

I just started taking Metamucil pills and Lotomil (sp?). Both dosages are one pill, two times a day. 

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Hello, Rzraz. 

It is very early days for you, and I hope the burning and liquid output will calm down with Metamucil which will thicken the stool. Very soon after my reversal / takedown, I had the same symptoms and I didn't know what was happening. I thought this was my new life. I called my surgeon's office. Over the phone they prescribed Cipro and Flagyl based on my description. It was pouchitis. The symptoms stopped after the third pill. 

Are you still drinking lemon water? Maybe stop for awhile. I remember my early days when I had anything citrusy or spicy, it burned on the way out. Are you using a bidet squeeze bottle after every BM and drying the area completely? That will help soothe the burning and raw skin. Also a sitz basin from the drugstore or Amazon will help soothe and heal. Calmoseptine, or plain Zincofax to heal the skin.

Can you try slowly to introduce other foods into your diet that are soft and nutrition dense, such as soft cooked egg on toast; smooth peanut butter or almond butter on toast? Make some broth by cooking carrots, potatoes, chicken, salt really well, and drink / eat the soft cooked vegetables?  The broth will keep you hydrated as you are losing so much liquid through frequent loose stool. A piece of plain baked chicken and rice?  Try small portions, or a bite or two just to keep up nutrition. Remember that pop tarts are loaded with sugar and carbs, and both can cause more problems. If I have something too sugary, I can suffer for a few days with frequency. I remember how it was, and I truly sympathize. It will get better. 

One Metamucil capsule is a very, very small dose, likely to have no effect at all. Is that actually the dose your surgeon recommended? I've been taking an ordinary dose, as indicated on the packaging, twice daily since my surgery 15 years ago. It's served me well. I didn't find the capsules as effective as the powder or the wafers.

I am still drinking Lemon water. I stopped for a week or so and the burn was worse. I think the burn now is just from raw skin. Also, it seems that these water bm's are only in the evening. I go about my regular day and have 2-4 bms. But once the evening arrives, all hell breaks loose and it doesn't let up until close to midnight, EVERY NIGHT. I guess the weirdest thing to me is it's only like this at night...

I have no other symptoms to make me think that it's pouchitis, but I have no idea as I've never had pouchitis, as far as I know. What does Cipro and Flagyl do?

As for the small dosage of Metamucil and Lotomil, that's self prescribed. I was afraid of taking too much. All of this is just so frustrating every evening. I'm starving all the time but so afraid to eat for fear of ruining my entire day/night. 

Nights seem to be the worst time for me also if I am going to have a bad time; one thing I have noticed is that if I drink too much liquid at one sitting my system cant absorb the fluid (usually lemon water) fast enough and it just pours out of my butt in an elongated bathroom trip so I have to be careful  about that. Also scott mentioned one pill of the Lomotil and Metamucil are very low-dose which is true; as for the Lomotil you can take up to eight a day and should  (if necessary and it sounds like in your case it may be and was in mine)  your first couple of months in my opinion to get things under control and if the metamucil does not give you gas ( it did with me  so I switched to Citrucel) you can take a lot more of that also. I ended up with the metamucil wafers which work well for me (instead of the citrucel, which did help  but I like the wafers even more).  I also limited my intake of magnesium; products with a lot of that seemed to increase diarrhea for me.  Bananas and peanut butter helped me to thicken things up also early on....

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