This is my second go round with my ileostomy in several years.I have had this one since late February. I use a Hollister convex tape collar appliance with a Coloplast Brava ring. I usually get 4-5 days per bag change. Last week i changed and had a very red sore patch directly under my ileostomy. Before applying the bag i shower, then i sprinkle Stomahesive powder arounf the stoma and red area and then dab on the barrier film wipes over top then apply my bag. I have done my last 3 bag changes after 2 full days just so i can apply more powder to try and heal this sore spot up. Its not working, its still very red and sore, not openly weeping yet , but not sure what to do since i have never had this issue. i called and left message with Cleveland Clinic ostomy dept but doubt i will hear back until monday now.. Anyone know of anything else I can try.? my bags are precut and fit pretty snug around the stoma so thats not the issue..
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