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I have Anal Stricture at the bottom of the J-Pouch and it’s bad. Had a few Office Dilations and had been self-dilating, it was going well but hurt my back and couldn’t do it for a few months. Very hard to get the Mucus out. My last office dilation was about 51/2 years ago. My J-Pouch was diverted 5 years ago mostly because of this, so I have an ileostomy. Has anyone gone to Dr. Shen for his Stricturotomy (needle Knife} procedure or Balloon Therapy.

Or should I ask my doctor to try and open it up with different sized dilators (small to larger). I don’t know. It’s very tight and painful in there so maybe it’s time to remove the J-Pouch? I would appreciate any advice. Thanks.

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I haven’t had the procedures, so I can’t help you choose among them (others here can share their experiences). The timing isn’t clear: when you say “it was going well” before you hurt your back do you mean that your pouch was working fine with real poop, or just that you were able to dilate enough to expel the mucus without a problem? Most people who have strictures can do okay as long as they keep the thing open, but it requires attention and some effort (unless it just stays open eventually, but it sounds like you haven’t been that lucky). You’ve gone 5 years without using your J-pouch for its intended purpose - is it your goal to start using it again, or just to fix the mucus blockage?

I would talk to the Gastro or colon surgeon about everything in depth and see what they say. I am sorry you are going through this, I would call them ASAP!

I am not sure if an emema would be good to use since you have a stricture, I am not sure if that may cause problems but I would get medical advice first.

Keep us updated hon! Feel better

Hi Scott, Thank you. I was able to dilate enough to expel the mucus. And I don't want to use it again just fix the Mucus problem. I'm going to call My Gastro & Colon surgeon on Monday, hope they can see me quickly. I had a few good years but noticed it was getting tighter and more painful to dilate. Thanks again Scott,

@joe2021 posted:

Hi Lauren, Thanks so much for suggesting that, I was just going to call once and wait, I'll call early and keep trying. I was going to try to have the Doctor call me, but now, I'll try both maybe something will open up tomorrow. Thanks so much for your kindness and great suggestions.

You are welcome Joe Yeah I think doing both is genius! In the past, some people have said, " I will put your name on the cancellation list and I will give you a call when someone cancels". Do not believe that lol. When someone said that, I called later that day and got a cancellation and got the appointment that day Do not give up my friend and good luck And thank-you for your kind words

Let me know what happens

Hi Lauren, Your Welcome too.  Thank you... I feel a little better today mucus wise, so that's good. I called the Gastro and they now have an answering system. I left a few messages and never heard back. They say they'll return my call in 24hrs, that's nice of them!

Decided not to call the Colon surgeon, I remember him telling me last time, he didn't do dilations. Would like it to be dilated first and see how I feel but maybe that's just wishful thinking, maybe.

Anyway I'll call again tomorrow, maybe I can still get in this week. I have such anxiety about another open surgery. Take care, Thanks again.

@joe2021 posted:

Hi Lauren, Your Welcome too.  Thank you... I feel a little better today mucus wise, so that's good. I called the Gastro and they now have an answering system. I left a few messages and never heard back. They say they'll return my call in 24hrs, that's nice of them!

Decided not to call the Colon surgeon, I remember him telling me last time, he didn't do dilations. Would like it to be dilated first and see how I feel but maybe that's just wishful thinking, maybe.

Anyway I'll call again tomorrow, maybe I can still get in this week. I have such anxiety about another open surgery. Take care, Thanks again.

Glad to hear everything! You are are entirely welcome! Keep me updated!

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