Hello! I'm new here, but have had UC for a little over 14 years. Long story short: None of the biologics have worked for me, and I'm now considering surgery and trying to gather as much information as I can to help me make the right decision. I only have Xeljanz left to try and I don't have high hopes for it. I've been steroid-dependent for most of the past 2.5 years.
I've been vegan for the past 9 years and was vegetarian prior. Unlike some, I've never had to restrict any foods with my UC. I eat a ton of fruits and veggies, many raw, as well as a lot of beans, legumes and nuts. From some of the things I've read online, I'm concerned with a j-pouch that could be more difficult. Please let me know your thoughts on if it's possible to be vegan with a j-pouch and also with an ileostomy since I'll have that (hopefully) temporarily. Thanks in advance!