Hi everyone it's been a while since I posted anything. Last time it was waiting for the new dr. To investigate. pass some tests to see where the old dr. Who left me to rot do. Being that where I'm from Montreal changing hospitals, (doctors) is very political.anyway this dr sent me to see gyno to see if she could of seen any fistulas with a vaginal examination? Well she noticed a dimple and suggested to send me to a gyno that specialized in pelvic repair. He also noticed the dimple and said that he was willing to work with the surgeon to repair it but that there would be a vaginal deformation after repair. I went back to surgeon with this info and handed him that dr. Business card with a cell # where he could of been reached.weeks passed unfortunately I had passed a cortisol exam and hours later started feeling pain on my lower left side which had my endocrinologist worried so she sent for an ultra sound which showed an accumulation of liquid on the left side. It sent me to the er because of the fact that I have an end ileostomy it got them wondering how the other hospital left me off. After a ct scan it got the dr to set up a scope under anestitia so he could place exactly where these fistulas were. Well dear friends if you've read my previous logs you would see that my luck hasn't left me yet it's just gotten worse. I ended up in a coma due to a pneumo thorax of both lungs. I blew up into an unreconizable monster. The staff explained that they haven't seen this in 25 years of practice. Anyway they could never explain why this happened and with all the political crap that goes on in our medical system I will never get the truth. The worse thing is it gets worse cause they never confirmed my fistulas and this was may 9th and after coming out of coma they noticed that I had no more veins which I tried to explain to them,but the believed that it was only because I was scared and never realized that it was due to being in hospital for 6 months straight in the past and one wrong surgery going bad after the next 8 in the six months that I was hospitalized. It wasn't bad enough that after they finally decide to install a pic
Line, hours later I start complaining of pain in arm but that wasn't good enough again because they wouldn't take me seriously, they realize there is a blood clot that leads to a pulmonary thrombosis. You would think this would give me more attention or at least some explanation? I was on antibiotics but because the pic line had to be removed and to risky to install another one, and because I have an end ileostomy taking the antibiotics orally wasn't working. I was still loosing great amounts of mucus rectally and vaginally. But they keep telling me, or better yet trying to convince me that it wasn't coming up the vagina,that I was confused figure that one out! I've only been a women 3/4 of my life and I should know what I'm feeling!3weeks later sent home on blood thinners and pain meds that's it. 3months later completely depressed begging to get to the bottom of this's.i meet with my dr. Whom I'm not sure of anymore,I had to beg to have some kind of testing to prove to him that the mucus I'm loosing is coming out the vagina and that I'm not constructing this in my head. The frustration that I have been dealing with the passed 2 years not to mention the difficulty of living with the fact of having an ileostomy but also having to wear a diaper because of constant leakage rectally and vaginally.the worse part is I have no clue what my futur holds but one thing is for sure I defiantly don't want to live this way!! But the medical system here sucks and im not being heard

I'm at the end of my rope any suggestions