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Hi all, After several months of unsuccessfully trying to get pregnant, I asked my RE about having an HSG done to rule out any issues related to my previous surgeries (total colectomy in 2003, j-pouch constructed in 2004). I just had the procedure done yesterday, and while he was able to confirm that both my tubes are open, it appears that everything's been shifted around. My uterus is tipped to the right, and my tubes are pulled up and to the left. I will have an ultrasound done in order to determine where my ovaries are, but the fear is that my tubes have been pulled so far away from my ovaries that there is no way an egg could get picked up by one of them in order to get to the uterus. Has anyone heard of this happening before?

I'm hopeful that even if I can't conceive naturally, I could try IVF, but I'm also slightly concerned that my tipped uterus might not be ideal for sustaining pregnancy (the doctor noted no problems internally with my uterus). 

Anyway, just thought I would try posting here since I haven't been able to turn up much on this topic online. Thanks for any thoughts!

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Hi Susbo

I am sure that over the decades a lot of us girls who had pouch/IBD surgeries suffered from the same sort of complication (may explain, along with adhesions, a lot of our (in)fertility problems) but no one cared back when I was your age...

It was not even a consideration.

Being that I had my 1st intestinal surgeries at age 2 no one could tell me if my hemi-uterus (it was folded over on itself and only 1/2 developed properly) was from birth or a side effect of gut surgery...that was the least of their problems at the time...

I know a lot of healthy girls who have tilted uteruses and have healthy babies (often without invitro). Not sure that it would cause you problems in carrying a baby or why it should (I am not a doctor)...on the other hand the distancing of the tubes may be a contributing factor to infertility or extrauterine pregnancy.

I would honestly forget about getting pregnant for a few months and just 'have some fun' with your hubby. Let nature take its course without other ideas behind it...if after say, 6 months, nothing changes then go forward with medically assisted methods.

I know of too many couples who jumped into medically assisted procreation and put such  stress on their couple and their finances that they forgot how to enjoy themselves and have fun.

My neighbours (perfectly healthy, both of them) did 10 yrs including flying to Spain for an egg transplant just in case and paid a fortune to a dozen doctors without any positive results.

They gave up at age 45 last year and finally went on the honeymoon that they had never taken. 3 months in Japan and S.E. Asia. She got so sick while there that they had to come home early...Some virus or bacteria...She was throwing up her guts for weeks.

'He' was born 2 weeks ago !

So many cases of 'I Give UP' only to get pregnant naturally shortly after.


You don't say how old you are or how long you have been married but if it is not 'urgent' then have some fun first...just some advice from an old k poucher


I can't say for sure, but I don't think a tipped uterus should make any difference in regard to sustaining a pregnancy to term. I have a tipped uterus, and carried my two pregnancies to full term. I also conceived naturally. This was before I had any surgery, but 15 years after my UC diagnosis. Of course, since you are post j-pouch, there is the higher likelihood of adhesions interfering with conception. Most women here have done well with IVF.

Good luck!


Hi Little Greeny, The results of my ultrasound were pretty inconclusive- my RE said that he wasn't sure if my ovaries are close enough to the tubes, and the only way to find out if it would be possible to conceive on our own is through "trial and error."  We've tried without success for only 7 months, but we've decided to move to IVF at this time, too. I am a BRCA 2 carrier, so IVF will also allow us to do PGD and greatly reduce the risk of passing the mutation on. Starting this month with an antagonist cycle! I'm on birth control for the next 2 weeks and then will start stimulating. Hoping for a retrieval at the end of the month/early April and then a FET in May. What does your plan look like? Best of luck! 

That is very exciting !!! Good luck on your IVF journey because I'm in Canada I'm on the waiting list for a funded cycle, we were told 8-9 months which would work perfectly for me (allow me to practice good eating, cut down on my exercise and gain weight). We have our consult on April 22 where I'll learn our protocol !!! I'm also looking to do PGS/PGD testing to reduce the risk of miscarriage. I should add that we did conceive naturally (after 2 years) to miscarry due to genetic factors. At this point I am excited to have a "plan". Please keep me updated on your journey, I'm sending sooooo many good vibes your way. 

Just to update- I had my retrieval last week and it went really well! There were 35 mature eggs, 30 fertilized, and I just found out today that 22 made it to the freeze. Recovery was a bit rougher than expected, but I think I'm finally back to normal after a full week. Now just to wait for my FET... It won't be until late May/June since we're doing PGS/PGD, so hopefully time moves quickly 

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