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Hi all. Ive had colon reconstruction done on me about 5 years ago believe. went through alot of nightmares during that time of my life...amongst them was a bruised bladder that wouldn't heal for 4 months during my healing period, and then it happened again when I went in for the reversal...luckily given some time, I did start peeing again.
more recently, Ive had really hard times peeing at times...particularly after drinking alot of fluids, and not just alcohol(although Ive found that to be a huge agitator as well). and also in a public setting is very hard for me to focus and get a stream going...
I recently went a urologist to check myself out, I figured that my bladder suffered more damage during the surgery then I initially thought. instead, I learn that alot of people that have received this surgery often end up self-catheterizing themselves for the rest of there lives, and im actually lucky to somewhat retain my bladder control more or less...

that scared me shitless.

she explained to me that it will be a growing problem ill have to deal with in the future as I grow up (im 24). physical therapy and medication are both options.

does anyone else share this problem? please, I need someone to tell me how they deal with it, how is physical therapy...I've adjusted my diet to help my colon out, how do i help my bladder out? Im scared of endng up in a situation that Ill have to learn to self-catheterize myself. 

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If you have to go the self cath route, know it's not a big deal.  I dealt with this throughout childhood and college then into adulthood before I had the courage to try it.  It was life changing.  It doesn't hurt, can be done discretely even in public restrooms and alleviated my stress to such an extent that just knowing I could usually caused me to be able to pee freely.  I've probably only done it a dozen times in the past 10 years.... Always on long, stressful trips when the public restrooms are overwhelmingly loud or rushed.  Whereas in the beginning I had gotten to s point where I could hardly leave the house. Good luck and don't sorry about it too much.

Upon completion of my proctocolectomy I experienced urinary retention.  It was such a relief to learn to self-cath.  Gradually, my urinary function returned.  However, I have problems when asked to give a urine specimen for a urinalysis.  I've trained myself to empty my j-pouch each time I urinate so I can never give a clean catch.  It's been so many years since I learned to self-cath, I need lessons.  Believe me, I'd self cath each and every time I needed to have a urinalysis!

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