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Hi everyone,

I'll try to make this short and to the point.  My j-pouch surgery was in 1995. Since then I've had two laparotomies for adhesions, an abcesses and ovary removal.  Bilateral hip replacement, two other accesses and a blockage.  Recently, I've started to experience complete urinary incontinence without warning.  Urine cultures are negative.  I feel a heaviness in my vagina and itching and burning.   I spoke to my PC doc and we decided to seta up a referral with a gynecological urologist at a local teaching hospital in town.  Just wondering if anyone else has had this experience and what was done. THANKS a million.

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I have had some minor incontinence here and there. It is fairly common as women age, particularly if you have had multiple pregnancies. The pelvic ligaments sag over time and gravity takes its toll. I have both a cystocele and rectocele, along with uterine prolapse. But, even with all that and being over 65, I have not had full incontinence.

I would not recommend using Calmoseptine vaginally! Ouch!

I am sure the urologist will be able to sort it out.

Jan :

Last edited by Jan Dollar

Definitely don’t use calmoseptine on vaginal mucosa. Total different type of skin from the perianal area—way more sensitive. The heaviness could be from a prolapse as Jan said (vaginal, “rectal” or uterine). And the burning could be anything from an infection (despite a normal urine culture) to vaginal atrophy and dryness (not uncommon in post- menopausal women). If vaginal atrophy, they can prescribe a topical estrogen cream often with good results. Having more vaginal moisture also reduces your risk of future infection/UTIs. Good to see a urogyn for the incontinence which comes in different flavors, e.g urge, overflow, stress incontinence (every time you sneeze you pee a little) each with some different treatments. Good luck.

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