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Hi all,

as some of you are aware, I recently had my takedown for the Turnbull Cutait redo procedure at Cleveland Clinic. This procedure was done as a last resort to remove and redo my failed colonic Jpouch and RVF(which happened at another hospital). I am happy to say that when I had my first BM after the takedown @ CC, I sobbed with joy. Literally, I had not felt like a human being 'down below' since before my first ileostomy/Jpouch creation surgery in July 2009. I knew they(CC) had done it right immediately! Prior to this redo, I was wearing either an ileostomy bag(3 total ileo surgeries) or a Depends diaper since July 24, 2009.

As we speak, my ileostomy incision has healed beautifully, I feel great, and the diapers/extra ostomy supplies are in a box to be donated to the local hospital. I still do have accidents every now and then so I do wear pads, but I have every hope that my pelvic floor muscles will continue to improve with time(I'm only 3.5 weeks out from takedown). I average 0-10 bms per day and they're always formed and solid. I do have that annoying itch sometimes tho, but all in all, I feel extremely lucky and grateful.

I hope anyone out there who is facing a redo procedure will read this post and hopefully their fears will be eased a bit.

Thanks everyone, for your thoughts, prayers and encouraging words. This site is wonderful.

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Thank you all so much...I am estatic!

Just a little food for thought: I had more accidents last night/this morning than I was comfortable with. I'm still so grateful but I couldn't help but wonder if I was relapsing, so to speak. Stool was solid and firm, yet I had several accidents during the day, while in my home, when I had plenty of time to make it to the bathroom, yet I didn't even realize I was 'leaking' solid stool. I can't imagine the shame of going back to work and dealing with this stinky issue in an office setting.

I'm still worlds ahead of where I was before the redo(I was 100% incontinent), yet that fear of the other shoe dropping lingers in the background.

I guess I need to just keep my chin up and not allow fear to rob me of the joy and gratitude I feel for having been given a second chance.

Thanks so much for listening and for giving me a forum to face my fears. :-)
First of all, I love your name. The connotation is that you have a great attitude and after reading all that you've been through and how you're feeling, it's the perfect name for you!

I think your leakage issue is normal, although I completely understand your fear. After dealing with comoplete incontinence, you're very leary. You are just 3.5 weeks out and those muscles need to strengthen. Kagels, kagels and more kagels, honey. It will get better!
O.k. I have been told that my surgery, performed by Dr. Young Fadok, Mayo clinic Phx. was done incorrectly and that in order to fix it, I must go through the entire process again. I can't bare it. I feel as if I am lucky to be alive. My hair thinned, became a wiry mess. Lost 30 pounds, I've gained 7 back. I weight 119. I can't afford to lose another 30 pounds. I have 2 young children......Johns Hopkins Hospital agreed with the 2nd opinion, that it needs to be redone. I don't even know what the repercussions of not doing it will be. I only know that after having this surgery to "cure" my colitis.....They left 5 cm of my diseased rectum in place and I am still taking meds for my colitis/proctitis and now I have fissures and I have constant diarhea 10 to 20 times per day. I have been reading that others actually have normal stool after this surgery when it is done correctly???? Is that true? Dr. Fadok told me that she was going to give me my life back..............This has not in ANY WAY given me my life back.........Please share your experiences of what life is like for you 1 year post surgery!

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