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Well, it's been a rather grueling December full of hosptial stays, every test under the sun, and doctors visits, but finally feeling back to normal as of New Years. I was in the hosptial for a week with a bowel obstruction early December. Left the hospital being told I almost certainly had Crohn's. A week later was told it was very unlikley it is Crohn's based on my biopsies and other results. During this time, was also having horrible abdominal pain, which turned out to be an ovarian cyst that is now resolving. Still was not feeling great and my whole digestive tract seemed very off. Then bam, ended up back in the ER on the 23rd and spent Christmas Eve and day in the hosptial for what appeared to be another partial bowel obstruction. I left the hospital being told I was a question mark. This second time in was entirely different from the first in every way. Continued to still not feel great, then finally, New Years, I feel like a completely normal person again. I had an MR Enterography on 12/31, and just got the results today. Everything looks perfectly normal aside from the resolving ovarian cyst that still showed up. So, who knows what 2014 holds in store. We still have no answers as to what was causing the obstructions. Adhesions, Crohn's, some kind of infection, etc. I think the next step is capsule endoscopy so they know how to treat me. Since mid December I've been on Prednisone and Flagyl. Would love to get off both of these soon. 6 week taper of steroids is so long...

Happy New Year!
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