Hi! First congrats on your upcoming final surgery!
For me takedown was very easy compared to the first surgery. I was nervous too but the whole thing was very uneventful which is the way you want it to go. I was 30 minutes in the OR and 4 days in the hospital. My bowels woke up about 12 hours after surgery and I was using the bathroom every few hours. It quickly settled down after a couple of weeks. I was really lucky.
Bring some Calmoseptine to the hospital with you in case you get some butt burn and some soft toilet paper. Hospital tp is like sandpaper. Walk around as much as you can as soon as you are able to. And then walk some more. It helps wake things up and gets things moving.
Go slow with food at first. And just because you are in the hospital and they are bringing you food doesn't mean you should eat it if you think they brought you something you shouldn't eat. They brought me lasagna on the third day. I thought is was a weird thing to eat so soon after surgery but I was hungry so I ate it. Bad mistake. I had horrible gas pains like I never felt before. So just eat really bland, easy to digest foods for a little while. You will sense when you can get more adventurous with foods.
I have a successful j pouch. It's quirky sometimes but I am very grateful for it. It really has given me my life back. UC really kicked my butt for years and now I kicked it right back. We win! Good luck with everything!