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Looking for some expert advice re: underwear. Woop! Nothing like it, talking intimates with strangers!  Oh, I love what this disease has done to my natural reticence...

First: underwear. Has anyone here used MeUndies? I keep hearing really good things. I think the women's bikini might fit under the stoma appliance; have taken measurements and sent an email asking for specific information. Right now I only have two pairs of underwear that really fit well with the appliance -- can't remember having this issue before, but -- having measured this morning -- I think this stoma is a bit lower than previous ones. Since it is permanent, I want to get the best & most comfortable underwear possible -- no chafing, wedgies or granny panties! Well, okay. I know I may have to switch to granny panties at some point but I'm not mentally quite ready to take that step... 

Second, what recommendations do you have about "covers" or "wraps"? I'm not looking for the bag-type covers so much as the band-type things that go all the way around. The kind that if your shirt pulls up just looks like you have a t-shirt or camisole on underneath. Again, because of where this stoma is sitting I have a feeling I'm going to need a few of these for layering if I want to be able to wear jeans ever again. Not that I am opposed to leggings. But I do love my jeans.

Third, what sort of cover-ups do people use for private time with their significant other? Both for aesthetics and support. DH is incredibly supportive, but I really don't want to present a plain old bag.

Thanks, everyone!


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Gin, before my surgery, I bought several "bebands" from Target. They're designed for pregnant women and fit from the bottom of the bust to below the top of the pants. I don't use them a lot because I wear spaghetti strapped camisoles below all my tops, but the beband works, too. As far as panties, I buy my GRANNY panties  in 2x from K-mart! They actually hug my curves but cover the top of my bag completely. I don't really like the ostomy panties with their pouches for the bag. Too much fuss and, anyway, I wear my bag at an angle so my undies completely it. Now THIS may be TMI, but one of the ostomy companies makes a panty with an opening you know where. This way, you can keep them on and your bag covered and feel very pretty. Maybe it was Ostomysecrets? I don't remember but you can probably google it.


Thanks; I've checked them out. They actually have a branch in Germany so I should be able to order from there fairly easily.

I'm seeing the main stoma nurse next week and hopefully she will have the name of the company here in the NL that has bands and things. I could kick myself for not keeping the ad I received with my last stoma -- but I never thought at that time that I'd be going to a permanent stoma!

I wore "real" clothes today: jeans!!! I wore a long cami underneath my top; it seemed to work fine, but I felt "unsupported" a bit. Funny, I don't mind or feel that way at home, but going out I do. Maybe just part of getting used to living with it?

BTW, I found some underwear that I quite like at a local Dutch department store quite by accident. They were on sale, so I bought a couple of pairs and, lo and behold!, they fit perfectly and the waistband is at exactly the right height! So I'm going again tomorrow to load up.

Thanks again,


That's great, Gin. These things can be hit or miss sometimes. I much prefer stumbling upon less expensive alternatives because ostomy garments can be very steep in price. BTW, I could kick myself for tossing the cute ostomy swimsuit I bought when I had my temporary stoma. I, too, never expected that I would ever need it again!


If you want to PM me with some more info then maybe I can check out the French unddies in satin and lace and see if I can't find something flirty and sexy for those times when you are in to mood for it.

Have you tried out those one piece sexy  (or not sexy) body suits with the built in bra top...they have a snappy crotch...I would use them when my stoma leaked like a hose and I had to wear a diaper to cover my made me feel 'safer' when going out...Sort of held everything tightly against my body...

Let me know what you want and I will send you a Parisian care package.


Please look on "Etsy". Look under maternity bands and you can find anything you would like made out of many different materials.  I bought a 3 pack and picked from many different colors.  They cover as described above and aren't pricey.  There are several vendors carrying them.  

I also purchased just the bag covers there as well.  If I sweat along with the warm output the bag against my skin smells  It is probably the brand of bag I am using but I am stuck with it as the wafer is the best for me.  My husband doesn't smell it but he doesn't smell well.  Someone else might like to hear about the bag only covers too.  There are manly fabric prints as well for guys.  

I had to go to the ER a month ago and was glad I had on a bag cover.  The nurse called it cute and said she had never seen one before.  I think the doctor was glad he didn't have to look at it.  I found it much easier to get a stool sample for testing when having an ileostomy.

Ostomy Secrets has underwear that costs $25 per pair.  I read some favorable reviews about them but am wearing my plain old cotton granny panties to the waist.  I'm 60 years old and haven't worn anything lower for a few decades  


Oh, I SO LOVE being able to ask real questions here! Thanks, you all. 

Sharon, thanks for the offer, and the bodysuit idea is a great one. Will definitely check into that. Do you have a line/brand you really like? They sound perfect for layering as well. I think I've found enough underwear to do for a while, thanks to Hema (the basic Dutch department store I mentioned). I also scored some stretchy tank undershirts which offer some good protection as well as a bit of support; been liking them with my jeans, although so far only one pair feels comfortable, and only for shorter periods.

Updates on other items: Ostomy Secrets won't ship here. I've contacted their branch in the UK to see if they will. Found a Dutch site which carries a limited line of "upscale" undies and supports, including the vblush line, but at extraordinary prices! I couldn't believe it -- 115 Euros for a lace band!! Crazy. Thankfully I've also found a German site ( which has a wide line at very reasonable prices; I think I will try one or two items from there to begin. There is another Dutch place which operates as a non-profit and makes the bag covers for people; I will check them out if I want to try any of those.

Am feeling a bit overwhelmed today, looking at choices and trying to make decisions. I'm not a "good shopper" anyway, and this is mind-boggling for me.

Not to mention that the Dutch word for the bands is the same for "tires"... Nice.  That helps the self-esteem, wouldn't you say?

Soldiering on,


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