Well...I've been away from this forum for quite some time. I see my old friends Bill, Jan, and Dave are still here (not old as in aged, but in we go way back.)
I have led a very healthy, happy life since my 3 step surgery back in 1997. I even have a success story published here. I just experienced a very serious setback and felt it was time to consult the web site that provided such guidance and comfort to me so many years ago.
Tuesday, 1/14, I suffered a severe gastric bleed and hemorrhaged, resulting in life threatening drop in my hemoglobin and blood pressure. I spent two days hospitalized and received four units of blood. I had both an endoscopic procedure as well as a sigmoidoscopy which revealed severe ulcerations in my j-pouch. Needless to say, I was floored. While happy to have a diagnosis, I await biopsy results. I have been told this is likely a severe bacterial infection (h-pylori or C-diff) and received multiple bags of flagyl in the hospital. I came home with another weeks' worth of this antibiotic, as well as iron supplements.
As I await test results, I wanted to inquire as to whether anyone else has experienced ulcerations in their pouch. As I spewed what seemed like gallons of blood (sorry to be graphic, but that is what it felt like at the time) I feared the loss of my j-pouch, imagining various horrible scenarios, including Crohns. I'm trusting that the meds and a very careful diet will heal the ulcerations in my pouch. I will, of course, be following up with my GI doc in another week, expecting they will do another scope in time, to make sure everything is healing.
If you have any insights or experiences to share, I would love to hear them. And to Bill, Jan, and Dave - hats off for remaining devoted to this mission/site.

Tuesday, 1/14, I suffered a severe gastric bleed and hemorrhaged, resulting in life threatening drop in my hemoglobin and blood pressure. I spent two days hospitalized and received four units of blood. I had both an endoscopic procedure as well as a sigmoidoscopy which revealed severe ulcerations in my j-pouch. Needless to say, I was floored. While happy to have a diagnosis, I await biopsy results. I have been told this is likely a severe bacterial infection (h-pylori or C-diff) and received multiple bags of flagyl in the hospital. I came home with another weeks' worth of this antibiotic, as well as iron supplements.
As I await test results, I wanted to inquire as to whether anyone else has experienced ulcerations in their pouch. As I spewed what seemed like gallons of blood (sorry to be graphic, but that is what it felt like at the time) I feared the loss of my j-pouch, imagining various horrible scenarios, including Crohns. I'm trusting that the meds and a very careful diet will heal the ulcerations in my pouch. I will, of course, be following up with my GI doc in another week, expecting they will do another scope in time, to make sure everything is healing.
If you have any insights or experiences to share, I would love to hear them. And to Bill, Jan, and Dave - hats off for remaining devoted to this mission/site.