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I am a jpoucher since 2014. I’ve not done great for good portion of these 10 years. Most of my issues has been prolapse, 1 was partially corrected in 2016, along with removal of rectal cuff. In 2017 had Medtronic interstim implanted into Sacral nerve-that seemed to help, but mainly I used my bidet, wipes and Ilex Paste to keep my perianal area clean and edges of anus free of sores.

My output very acidic, take Colestipol for this, but also still struggling with what I think is a prolapse. And Ilex paste has not been available for a year, and my life has taken serious downturn without it. Now I have several ulcerations just inside and outside anus. I have tried almost every type of over counter creams to help healing along with Riley’s butt paste that I’d hardly call a paste. Nothing is working! Gastro has no other suggestions. Recommending. Cleveland Clinic since they have larger group to address pouch issues than Indianapolis.

1. I will be searching for other drs, so if anyone has had a difficult pouch and is anywhere near Indy, or Cleveland Clinic is okay, please share any  drs / surgeons you know.
2. But please if anyone has any ideas about how to heal these ulcerations please let me know. I feel Ilex paste would help but I am out!  Dr does not feel they need biopsies/ cultures, thinks just irritation from such frequent bowel movements. Pain is ecruciating and I’m fearful a temp ileo may be my only option.

thanks very much!

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@Sara Marie posted:

Wow, I have never heard of perianal disease.  The internet seems to think it might be related to Crohn's?  I wonder what kind of treatment is used?

Yeah your right, it is. Although I have read in addition to what you say that some ulcerative colitis people get perianal disease too although its more common in Crohns. That is why people with Perianal Disease are not recommended a J-pouch because it can cause more problems for the anal region.

Good question about the treatment, I am not sure how they treat that either.

Thanks! I do have surgical consult next month for suspected prolapse but trying to survive til then. Ordered some things with lidocain that might help. Just wonder if anyone else had other suggestions. Gastro want me to do Anorectal Monometry test before seeing surgeon but thinking too painful since I’d have to be awake. I’ve never been diagnosed with Chrohns, just UC, but see that connection in research on perianal disease. Mmmm..I’m following treatment recommend as best I can. Again, thanks!

@Ljz posted:

Thanks! I do have surgical consult next month for suspected prolapse but trying to survive til then. Ordered some things with lidocain that might help. Just wonder if anyone else had other suggestions. Gastro want me to do Anorectal Monometry test before seeing surgeon but thinking too painful since I’d have to be awake. I’ve never been diagnosed with Chrohns, just UC, but see that connection in research on perianal disease. Mmmm..I’m following treatment recommend as best I can. Again, thanks!

Your welcome. Sorry you have to got through this hell! I hope things get better. The lidocaine idea sounds genius!!! That will numb that area for you.

Yeah i understand what you mean. Please let me know how it goes!!! It might be worth getting the anorectal monometry but I understand what you mean when you say it might be too painful, we been through enough shit lol.

Let us know how it goes with everything hon!!!

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