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I had my surgery done in 1996 and all has been good, however I started to get pain in my left Wrist and knee severe pain. Doctor ran some test for RA and only one test looks like a higher marker. I have an appointment to see a RA doctor but not till 10/6 . My family doctor did give to meloxiecam and has helped to relieve the pain. 

Anyone have similar issues?

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Yep. ALL my lab markers were negative, yet my rheumatologist diagnosed enteropathic arthritis based on history and symptoms. If you haven't had x-ray exams of your wrist and knee yet to rule out osteoarthritis and trauma, please get them done. Also, ask your GP to to get lumbar and sacroiliac films, so they can be on file for your rheumatologist. Digital films are best. MRI is not indicated at yhis point.

I was able to take meloxicam and other NSAIDs for years before my pouch acted up. But, the fact that I responded to NSAIDs was more evidence that this was inflammatory in nature.

The not so great news was that the only option open to me were biologics. That was over 10 years ago, and so far, not too much progression. Good luck with your appointment.


Thanks for the information.I have had x-rays and no injury just mild tricartmemal joint degeneration. The one marker in the blood work that showed high shows that there is inflammation from what I have been researching. I am feeling better with the meloxicam and going back to working out and hope that will help also. Thanks again for your comments.

You may want to stop the meloxicam a couple of weeks before your rheumy appointment so that your symptoms are more recognizable. My rheumy measured the amount of separation in my low back when I bent over as far as I could. This measurement may not be accurate if you are on anti-inflammatories, and it could delay diagnosis.


I developed arthritis about 5 years after JPouch surgery.(@25 yrs old) I literally woke up one more with an extremely swollen finger, took three doctors to understand what was going on. All blood work looked fine. It then 'spread' to other joints(knees, elbows) as years past.  I had to eventually go on Enbrel. But it's very controlled. A RA doctor is definitely the next step. Good luck! 

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