My 13 year old son is clearly antibiotic dependent. Cipro has worked for him. Rifaximin did not work. Tinidazole only worked when he was simultaneously taking cipro. Augmentin worked first with cipro, and then we gradually tapered him off cipro down to just augmentin (3x a day) and then down to 1 augmentin a day and then nothing. In 9 days he was in full flare and we put him back on cipro. Today I was worried we were getting to the point that cipro would stop working (as it has in past) and gave him augmentin this morning. However, two hours later he threw up his lunch (turkey meatloaf he had eaten before without throwing up). I think the augmentin may make him nauseated. What other antibiotics can anyone suggest in addition to flagyl?
Also, he had gone two weeks without throwing up. Is it even possible NOT having cipro this morning could impact him so quickly (impact bacteria level in pouch) that made him nauseated. Although he also thew up on eof his first days back on cipro. Do people with SIBO/pouchitis throw up? Or is this intermittent nausea/throwing up sounding more like crohns? Thank you.
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