Sorry to confuse you! They were 2 completely separate issues. The skin tags were not related to the fistulas at all! I had my pouch formed in 1992 so it had gone through many years of usage until I had a temp (99 percent sure he will become permanent ileo) formed Oct 2015. I saw people were talking about tags and fistulas so I commented on both since I had experiences with both. I will break them up.
1. Skin tags. I commented on making sure removal is necessary b/c it was PAINFUL (and yes this is still my opinion after having multiple surgeries cutting open my abdomen) and each time my skin tag(s) returned so that procedure now seems that it was unnecessary to me. The first time I had the skin tag removed, it was because my surgeon thought it might be contributing to a fissure that I had. That skin tag came back and multiplied and no fissure ever occurred again b/c of those skin tags. The second time was because of a presumed fistula when he re-did the bottom of my pouch and wanted to "clean everything up". Skin tags returned again and are probably still there. Onto #2....
2. Fistulas. In about 2010, I started having problems with urgency/frequency and iron deficiency anemia. My surgeon diagnosed me with a fistula during an office exam-he could see drainage from a tract. He did a fisulotomy which involved re-doing the bottom of my pouch but I didn't lose any sphincter control. I don't think that this was a "pouch advancement" surgery. He literally cut out the fistula and re-stapled my pouch. I was so desperate to feel better that I would have done anything at that point. My diagnosis was soon changed from UC to Crohns and I started the biologics (remicade, humira, cimzia) with remicade working the best but I had to stop b/c of the antibodies/lupus like reaction after about 2 years. Uggghhh. While on cimzia in 2015, I developed an abscess on a Monday as a result of an unknown fistula, had it drained, and developed another or an extension of 1st fistula by Friday with another painful abscess. I had that abscess drained and setons placed.
Looking back, I guess 2010 was the start of the end for my J pouch when my UC diagnosis was changed to Crohns. Should I have questioned things more-absolutely! I really trusted my surgeon and have only stopped going to him b/c of insurance coverage. Ugggghh to that too. I don't want to sound like the voice of doom. I would still repeat my surgery to get my J pouch in a heartbeat b/c it gave me a more normal way of living while I was younger. The majority of my problems have been peri-anal so this may just be the result of how my disease progressed. In comparing skin tag "bumps" and fistula "bumps" there was no comparison in the end for me. The skin tags were a minor irritation every now and then while those fistula abscesses were a whole elevated level of discomfort. Some fistulas drain and don't cause abscesses so I think a diagnostic procedure (MRI?/CT enterography?) would be needed to diagnose them. I don't think a surgeon would be able to say 100 percent that a fistula won't lead to an abscess so I think that is where the need for setons come in.
Sorry this is sooooo long. Please let me know if anything else doesn't make sense. Ironically my husband (who is older than me) had his first colonoscopy today so I am beat from having to get up so early!!
Best of luck to you all and rock on J pouchers����