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Hello all! I am new to the group but not to having a j-pouch. I have had issues with it off and on. A little background....between my surgeries my right ovary and tube was disconnected. And I also have lots of scar tissue around the ovaries. I was told that it will be difficult to have children, but not impossible; and that I will more than likely be on bed rest the majority of the pregnancy, and have to have a c-section. My husband and I have been trying for 2 years now, with only one success that ended with a miscarriage at 6 weeks. My question is there anyone with similar or same circumstances that have successfully had children? my husband and i really want kids!
Original Post
Lots of scar tissue is the norm for people who have had pouch surgery. Many of us have to go through fertility treatments or even surrogacy in attempts to have our own children, and some don't even want to consider those routes and adopt instead.

If they didn't tell you there was something wrong with your uterus such as scar tissue in it that would prevent you from being able to carry to term, I would work on charting your cycles (try and try for another few months. If you are not having success, you should see a fertility specialist to discuss your options should you choose to go that route.

We tried for three years with no success, including going through four rounds of IUI and finally, one round of IVF, which was all we could afford. We were very lucky in that it resulted in our son, who is almost four, but the odds were not in our favor and we knew going into it that it might not work out that way. My best advice is to set a time line as to how long you will give this journey and then if you aren't successful, be ready with a plan B to give your life the fulfillment and meaning you think it can have through other methods, whether volunteering or changing your job or travel or being a foster parent or whatever.

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