New to the site and hoping you guys can help me out... I had my 2nd of 3 surgeries in February (to create the j-pouch and temporary loop ostomy). Had complications with internal bleeding where they had to put me back under twice to see where the bleeding was coming from and try to help heal things along. Was released from hospital after 2 weeks and struggled with staying hydrated at home. After 2 weeks at home, I'm back in the hospital due to dehydration and because of the substantial amount of output from my loop ostomy. It seems that shortly after I eat a meal, it's like Niagara Falls coming into my ostomy bag. I've tried to focus on proteins and starches to help thicken things up but it doesn't seem to have worked. The excessive liquid output is accompanied by severe cramping in my lower left quadrant. After eating dinner, just in the past 4 hours, my output has totaled 2 liters of yellow liquid output. [I also noticed more blood coming out of my anus this morning, which is certainly concerning. Dr did a scope and said it doesn't appear that anything is currently bleeding (appears to have been "old blood").] Any advice/feedback you guys can offer would be greatly appreciated!
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