Hi all, I have had my J-pouch for about 10 years now. I have found foods that help, foods that hurt and everything in between. The thing I can't seem to find is what to take to help gain weight.
My problem is after getting sick, I end up losing 5-10 lbs. in a week or 2. And on average it takes me 2-3 months to get back to that weight, which wasn't anywhere I would like to be 5'10" 150... I work out when I am feeling healthy and play hockey. but I am constantly fatigued when I have dipped into the 140's. Has anyone else had this issue years after their surgery? I have read some take imodium and do the shakes. Which I am going to try out, but I fear the mass discomfort from the imodium as in the past it caused my pouch to harden from the gas it created.