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Hi Bodoni,
I usually try to walk it off...if that doesn't work I try massaging the abdomen in clockwise circles or raising my arms above my head and pulling them slightly backwards...this seems to open up the pathway and allows the gas to escape if it is still in the stomach...once lower down only the above suggestions or yoga positons help me...also bouncing up and down on your toes can be of help...
As my dearly departed sister-in-law once remarked...everything causes gas!
The trick is to combine your foods so that they create the least amount of gas possible...I had a lot of success with a dissociated diet where I never ate carbs with protiens and kept my fruits to seperate meals...I ate fruit and drank fruit juices in the morning and for 4pm snack, ate either meat/fish/chicken etc with veggies for either lunch or dinner and had carbs (rice, bread, pasta, potatoes) with veggies for the other was a system that was really pouch friendly, kept things digesting well and flowing smoothly and allowed me to eat a lot more foods than I had ever been able to eat previously...I kept to it for about 20yrs and it worked wonders (didn't meant that I was gobbling a cheese pizza every now and then) but most of the time I kept to it...Even now I automatically I go back to it as soon as I have a problem, wish to loose weight or feel 'pouchy'...
I avoid milk and too much cheese but eat yoghut and similar I do really well on goat cheese...
It is when I overdo the diary that I have the most gas and cheese sandwiches are a no-no but otherwise gas is no longer a major problme in my life.

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