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Hey everyone,

I had my takedown 3 days ago and it's been slightly more difficult than I imagined. My bowels have not completely woken up (or maybe they have?) I am passing gas and some weird cloudy "crap" but my stomach is so distended its weird. I have a lot of water retention (about 10 pounds). Perhaps the toughest part is the nausea and dry heaving. Every night from 8pm to 6am, I cannot stop feeling intense pain from gas and retention. The team has me off all liquids (even water) for the time being. I can't wait to have a legit bowel movement. I've read that it may take up to 7 days for the bowels to wake up. Did anyone else feel this way and what can I do to feel a little more normal (on zofran and Pepcid to ease things a bit.) thanks everyone! I'm sure things will eventually get better.
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Everything you are describing is normal. The first week or two is pretty crazy. I looked about 6 months pregnant when I left the hosptial. The gas was really uncomfortable. I also had the nausea too. For me it all calmed down after about a week and by week two I felt pretty good. Try to walk around as much as possible. It really helps to wake things up. Hang in there it gets easier with time. Smiler

Where did you have your surgery done? I see you are in NJ too.
I almost had my surgeries there. I was under the care of a GI doc out of mt. Sinai (dr. James Marion) who had me do a 7 day stay there getting a IV treatment (Cyclosporine) for my UC. During that stay I met with a surgeon dr. Joel Bauer. They were totally ready to operate on me if the treatment didn't work but it did. Didn't last long though. I flared worse than ever a few months later. I ended up in Philadelphia at Jefferson university hospital for my surgeries and it all worked out great. You are in good hands there at mt. Sinai. Top notch hospital.
Thanks again Liz and Marianne. I've been off the narcotics since day 2. Not a fan of them and frankly I don't have much incisional pain. I'm trying to walk as much as possible. Unfortunately the nausea and gas pains got so bad and I could not stop vomiting and dry heaving. So the surgical team inserted the dreaded NG tube. The gas pains have surely gone down a bit but this tube really sucks! I just cannot wait for things to kick start and improve. Just want to go home.
I had the NG tube too. It was inserted about 3 days after takedown. I found it to be torturous. I honestly was ready to give up at that point. After what the prior months had been and then the complication after takedown. Once that tube was pulled out it was the turning point. It only got better. Today 4 months out I'm living my life, doing and eating everything. I go 8 times in a 24 hour period without any meds or pain. Good luck and be patient. You'll only go up from here.
Hey everyone,
Thanks again for the responses. I'm still stuck in the hospital but no ng tube! Trying to keep food down with reglan. It's semi-working but my stool is still bile green and very watery. I'm going literally every 1.5 hours. Had a ct done and the team found some inflammation around the closed stoma site. Just so sick of the hospital and the 20+ bathroom trips Frowner I know everyone says it gets better, so I guess just gotta wait.

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